Non alcoholic drinks🍹

Hey everyone, made it 8 days. My goal is to reach 30 as I realised that will be the longest I have gone without a drink since I was 17! (I’m 33)
Met with my Dad at the weekend which is usually a stressful time. We went to this place that specialises in lovely wine. I had water. “Wow I’m just sooooo thirsty” “it’s lunch and I’m probably going to the pub later so won’t drink” bla de bla. Drink and my Dad go hand in hand. One of the nice things we do together is trying out different ales in pubs. We have a tricky relationship and this was always a nice thing to do together. Will have to find another common interest!
What do you guys like to drink when you are out socialising? I spotted cans of “non alcoholic Gin and Tonics” in the supermarket today and was tempted to buy but think that it may be too soon. Wow I’m thinking a lot about it today. It takes it out of you trying to not let it take over.
S x


I don’t personally mess with non alcoholic mock beverages. Some of them still have alcohol in them, so be aware. I never drank for the flavor, i did it for the effect. But there are others here that feel more comfortable with a na beverage in hand in social situations.


Hey @Melrm I think I’m after the placebo effect of drinking and getting a bit high. Sugary drinks like Cola etc. have never been my thing and a life of drinking water seems very depressing!! + more likely to fall back into old bad ways…Maybe I’m going to start a new business of nice non alcoholic drinks that don’t mimic alcoholic ones at all🤔


Hi! I am also new here and am stopping drinking for a similar reason (haven’t gone longer than a week or two without alcohol since I was 19). I went out for brunch the other day and when they handed me a menu, there were ONLY cocktails, wine and beer. I had the super awkward moment of asking for a list of virgin cocktails b/c diet coke or coffee didn’t feel fancy enough…the waitress gave me a weird look. I thought about saying I was pregnant since that is a more socially except able reason not to drink. Since she seemed confused I just asked for grapefruit juice and soda. It was delicious.


Great idea @Suzanne

@Suzanne It does take a lot out of you! Congrats on 8 days, 30 is a good goal. Also, good job on remembering the last time you went that long. Truth be told, I couldn’t even remember the last time I abstained for any given length of time, unless it was for some random diet.

There’s N/A wine and lots of N/A beers. I heard about the wine option from someone else on here, and then I found what they were talking about on amazon. Avoid buying online if you can, the shipping is dumb. Way cheaper to buy in a store. Drink them with caution! I miss the taste and so I enjoy it every now and then. For some this could be a trigger, because obviously you don’t get the same effect.

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Hey @cantayma - welcome! I’ve had the same experience when out. It’s so expected to order something alcoholic when it’s on offer! I’m in the UK and we love a drink here! I’m going to an event tomorrow where it’s free drinks so this will be interesting. Tempted to bring something non alcoholic in case there isn’t an alternative and it’s even more noticeable that I’m not drinking. Everyone assumes I am pregnant anyway - but as I’ve been having fertility issues that’s really hard to manage too. Good work with the grapefruit and soda! I think it will get easier as time goes on to be like “yeah - one Virgin Mary please, what of it?!” X

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Thanks @Elisabeth for the support and the advice!

I love seltzer waters with a splash of juice and tons of fruit in it :grin:

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I´ve been working in bars for ages, and at all kinds of restaurants - and tbh loads of bartenders actually like the challenge of making a NICE non-alcoholic drink. I LOVE a good Bloody Mary and Virgin Marys is almost as good so I go for them when I´m out now, and no one can tell the difference so don´t have to excplain why I´m not drinking either.


Good tips :slight_smile: I’ll set the bar tender a challenge next time! Though - avoiding bars as feeling wobbly at the moment.

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I didn’t say thanks for sharing this! So “Thank you!” and hi :wave:t2:

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I love La Croix it’s fizzy like soda, but none of the calories!! You’ll do great!

Tried AHA black cherry coffee seltzer…love it!

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I’ll have to try that one; I tried one of theirs and it was ok.