Normal or No?

This may be TMI but I would hate to pay a copayment if this is to be expected. I stopped drinking alcohol almost 4 days ago and have been peeing all the time and even wake up out my sleep to pee. I’ve been reading that it can be part of detox because alcohol takes water and it’s the reserve that was stored. The nausea has been sticking around as well. I just want to know if anyone else have experienced this in their early days of stopping alcohol


Hi Ressa, it absolutely can be due to withdrawals, I’m not sure how much/long you drank, but what you wrote is true, when you drink, you become dehydrated, so your body tries to store water. When you stop, your body will try to correct itself.

Congratulations on your 4 days, keep it up! :hugs:


I should also say it’s an early sign of diabetes, but most likely you’re having withdrawals. Alcohol is a powerful bitch and it will do whatever it takes to make you feel like crap so you drink again. It does get better!


You’re probably more conscious of your bodies needs as well… I used to pass out for a full night and be like the dead (it’s not real sleep) until the morning when I felt awful and my bladder (and guts) were bursting.

Now I avoid drinking large amounts before bed because I know my body will wake me up to pee.


Full disclosure: I am not a doctor or trained in any medical field, so my advice is what I would do in your situation.

I don’t recall that being a specific symptom or side effect of quitting, it’s certainly possible. I do remember that sleep was hard to come by in the first few weeks, so getting up to go was not out of the ordinary as I was already awake.

While frequent urination is a symptom of other underlying issues (diabetes, prostate (if you’re a male) and others), if the issue coincided with quitting booze and was sudden, that it probably at catalyst. I would keep an eye on it, maybe also keep a journal just so I’d see if it’s an upward trend or a downward trend. If nothing changes in a couple weeks, I’d consult a doctor.


Thank you guys greatly for your help with that


Congrats :clap: on your 4 days and i certainly used the bathroom alot in the beginning :smile: but i never really thought anything of bc i was also drinking alot of water. Wish you well on your journey :pray:t4:. ODAAT #wedorecover


Yes, I’ve been extremely thirsty and have been drinking water so that is very likely too. I guess since I stopped drinking I’ve been paying way more attention to my body. Thank you for your help. If it get out of control I’ll take further measures and get checked for any other problems it could be.


This helped me early on :slight_smile:


Thank you so much :blush:


And no longer being dehydrated from alcohol, you may not recognize what is normal urination + your body detoxing. Always good to get checked out if feeling off, as you said. :heart:


Thank you, I was able to make an appointment after the last time I was on here. Thank you :blush: