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Thanks for such an inspirational post Alex :+1:

That was a great one to wake up too. And most importantly CONGRATS 8 months is huge!! That’s a hell of a lot of work, keep it up :slightly_smiling_face:



I’m almost at 8 months myself! This app has been a huge help, especially lately

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CONGRATS to you!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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I’m giving up weed but I get your point, I just won’t go over to the other side :rofl::rofl::rofl:really well done mate I’m propa proud of you.

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Keep going!:blue_heart: Next thing you’ll know it, it’ll be one year! I just reached my 1st year a few days ago!:heart: The best feeling.:blush: Have a great day, proud of you.:heart:

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Congratulations on your sobriety x

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Awoooo! Amazing work and a really inspiring post. Hoping I get to say the same as you in just under eight months time.


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Congrats on your 8 months of sobriety! I just celebrated 8 months on September 1st. It was the best New Year’s Eve resolution which I kept.
Keep up the good work!

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