Not doing so well

88 days and I need to drown in anything that will get me out of my head. Anything. My brain won’t stop, just running in circles. 88 days, I don’t want to give that up but need to get out of my head.


Your almost at 90 you can do it play some music distract yourself workout ? Download fun apps to take up your time do you have a pet ? Play with them create future goals see what else you can accomplish thats all i have at the moment if more ideas come up ill be sure to come back ! But please dont give in your so close to that 90 all this will subside as your journey keeps moving

I only just joined today but I know the feeling. I’ve never done this before and I’m so incredibly impressed by your progress. 88 days you are an absolute super hero. I know it’s so much easier said than done, but try to just not drink today. Make it to tomorrow and everything will look clearer. Sending lots of good vibes your way!


So get out of your head then.
Go for a walk/run/cycle.
Go see someone.
Go scream off the side of a hill.
Just do something that allows you to release.
Don’t go and use, that’s just not going to help!
Is it?


Hi. 88 days huh. Thats pretty dang good. Maybe your having trouble with the 90 day milestone coming up. Someone was just writing about how stressed they were on I think was their 85th day. And I remember right before my 90 days I was having trouble too.
That sucks. You’ve worked so hard. Do you meditate? I down loaded the Breethe app. It’s great for guided meditations. They even have some short 5 minute ones. For those of us always in a hurry. Which is when we need it the most.
For now you can try this.
I like to inhale really big through the nose and think or say to myself CALM then long exhale through the mouth.
Then again big Inhale through the nose think or say PEACEFUL long exhale through the mouth.
Big Inhale again say or think TRANQUIL long exhale.
One more time inhale think or say RELAX long exhale.
Repeat as necessary. It doesn’t take long. Even doing it only once can ground me.


Always when i cant get out of my head ill go for a run/walk for 1hour then go workout at the gym for 1.5hour. The only way i can feel that i got some stability in my head is after the workout. Otherwise i feel like shit for the whole day


Don’t give up! You can do this!
Do anything to distract yourself. Go for a walk. Message people on here. You can get through this day!

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Thank you all for the words of encouragement. I hit do.distracted, I missed seeing 90/days pass :rofl:.