Not doing well emotionally

Went to a family reunion/get together today and I had this overwhelming thought of “why bother”. I want to be sober but then I wonder what the fuck for.

I guess I’m just feeling sorry for myself since I’m in a situation of forced socialization when I’d rather just be alone right now

I’ll get through this. :blush:


I had plenty of crying parties in the bathroom Christmas eve and Christmas. I definitely can relate to the whole feeling sorry for yourself. We’ve all been there, it’s kind of like grieving someone who was once close to you.


I like how you came here to vent. And in doing so gained strength. Awesome!


Thanks @Success…I actually felt like I was having a pity party.

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Hi, I hear you on that!! I just want to be on my own, everything seems pointless but I believe that is our addiction and it will pass (hopefully!) Hope you are ok :slight_smile:

Keep your head up. I’m miles away but I’ll stand with you!


I am in the same boat family functions are barely manageablenfor me while tipsy. being sober during them is horribly excruciating for me. stay strong! I think I’m going to have to turn down a lot of function due to this but I won’t regret it in the long run…

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