Not drinking, and *trigger warning* marijuana

Dont think smoking would help if your trying to get sober from drink just replacing it.

Show up at the airport and your pilot is having a joint .would you trust him to fly your plane ?


I have to agree with @Englishd about the impacts on the brain. I researched this as I used Marijuana medically to treat some of my medical conditions. One day I asked myself, is this REALLY helping or is it just a story I’ve been telling myself? There was really only one way to find out and that was to stop. I had crazy vivid dreams for months, before that zero. It made me curious enough to research what impact it has on the brain and D is right. Especially as an alcoholic, our dopamine receptors in our brain are already screwed up. This is our reward center. Smoking pot does the same thing to them as drinking. We have less receptors, so it takes more and more for us to feel good. It literally alters our brain function and doesn’t allow for healing to take place in those receptors if we smoke when we quit drinking-we just stay on the same disruptive cycles. The amount of change I noticed in my own brain patterns, my habits and my thinking backed up what I discovered. For me, sure it wasn’t as destructive as alcohol to my life, but it still impacted my life more than I realized. I like it much more on this side of the fence.


Its tough because he thinks the weed is making him better. He has straight A’s and he thinks he wouldnt be able to perform as well without the weed. He has severe ADHD and the weed helps him sit still.
But I have seen him both ways and I sooo wish he could see what I see. I think that a good diet and exercise could help his ADHD. I believe he is lying to himself because quitting is so hard. He is so smart and I don’t think he needs the weed to get A’s. He is just so addicted and quitting is such a pain. He is really in the trenches with it. Bless his heart.
He is learning about all the health affects of weed. He is finding out how badly he is damaging his lungs and he wants to stop, but he cant.
Anyway, Everyone is different. Maybe you wont become addicted to it. I also believe that our lives and our circumstances determine a lot of our addiction. For instance, he is SO stressed out right now. So if you are living a carefree life maybe your chances of addiction are smaller. But I dont know this for sure.

Thanks so much for taking the time to provide all of that feedback. I am definitely going to check it out! I really like the principles it stands by. Thanks again!

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Yes, I’ve had multiple therapists. I’m exponentially better than I used to be, but for whatever reason weed was the thing that bumped it from being okay with food to actually looking forward to eating.

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because you’re romanticizing marijuana, i would politely suggest adding a trigger warning in the title of this post. there are folks on here who are struggling to quit smoking. :heart:


May I ask how you think I should go about doing that? Marijuana is in the title so obviously it’s being discussed, and people are expressing both positive and negative reactions to smoking (more negative)

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I absolutely do not believe that smoking marijuana helps with academia. At best it has little or no effect, but at worst it can definitely negativity affect it. I mentioned I earned 2 degrees while smoking - I also quite for 7 years and earned another degree while not smoking, and I would say my academia was improved by it not being a part of my life then.
I am fortunate to have a fairly low-stress life. I’m moving in the next 6 months, so that is a stressor. But it’s a temporary one. Other than that, I’m married with no kids and no intention of having kids, and will likely be getting a stable, low-brain activity job like working at Starbucks or at a grocery store. I have thought about getting into social work, which would obviously be a high-stress profession, but I’m not seriously thinking about that until I have at least a year of sobriety from alcohol under my belt.


some folks put * trigger warning * in the title of the post :slightly_smiling_face: not a worry if you dont want to do that, just a polite suggestion for the people who are actively fighting the cravings to smoke.

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No I’m happy to

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