Not reseting šŸ˜‚

Yes Iā€™m feeling still very good as didnā€™t do anything else and could of, so Iā€™m still carrying on with my days, as long as Iā€™m good so are my family and thatā€™s my biggest importance Iā€™m holding onto this positiveyity x

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Iā€™m glad youā€™re well Laura, and want to carry on with your sober journey.

For me personally, I would reset. My sober date is April 21st, the last drink that I had finished at about 11pm. If I had a drink or two drinksā€™ since that date, then my last drink wonā€™t have been the 21st of April anymore. I would know in my heart that it wasnā€™t true.

Carry on the way that you want to, but if I can say to you, just be honest with yourself. From your sober date, to your reasons why you drank again. Why did it happen, were you encouraged? Were people in your house drinking?

The point about people drinking and using in your house is a big one. This one I wonā€™t dance around. So long as people are drinking and using in your home (your safe space), the odds of long term sobriety are stacked against you. Itā€™s been said to you a few times, which you seem reluctant to address. Fair enough, but youā€™ve been supportively cautioned by so many people here. We arenā€™t trying to tell you how to live your life, we just know as fellow addicts where the threats are. We donā€™t want you to slip, we want to support you.

Be careful of those ā€˜one or twoā€™ drinks too. Those are the last words many of us have uttered before we lost all control again. I know I have.

I hope for the best for you, and hope you make the changes you need to in order to stay dry and clean :pray:


@Law1 Where are ya chica? Let us know youā€™re okay. I was thinking about you, and hoping you donā€™t slip into a bad place again. Even if you have, come back and keep talking. We care :heart:


Thank you for your honest feedback and candor. This is exactly how ā€œslipsā€ work. These slips give us a false sense of security that we can control our drinking.

From my very wise AA buddy. . . Sobriety/recovery are for those that are WILLING (to do whatever it takes to get sober) and those that WANT it bad enough (in many cases, itā€™s either death, jail or sobriety).


Honestly is the cornerstone of recovery. First, we must be honest with ourselves in admitting we have a problem. Then we must be honest with ourselves in accountability. There is no accountability without honesty.


Every relapse begins with one drink.

Now, if someone is determined to get and stay sober, a relapse is no reason to quit trying. What it is is a sign that more drastic action or escalation in approach is required, be it finding new recovery tools, or eliminating behaviors, relationships, or environments that perpetuate drinking.


Hi Lauraā€¦how are things going?xx

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Hi all so yes Iā€™ve chosen to reset after having a drink yesterday, only a couple but yes I drank :sob:well Iā€™m not giving up, I aim to try again and learn a bit more, thank you all x


Itā€™s a good step I think to be honest with yourself about this. Now the even bigger things will need to follow. What made you think a drink or a couple could improve your situation. Understanding the why helped me to learn healthier reactions and coping strategies.

Also coming here before you pick up cam help to overcome the craving.


Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top speak to those around u about stopping drinking around you :pray::pray:


Good morning all hope everyone has a good sober day x


I had a feeling you would, in my gut I was worried for you. Iā€™m so glad youā€™ve come back :people_hugging: Do yourself a big favour, and read your posts that you wrote during your drink free days. I want you to see the happiness that poured out of every post. You got so much done, itā€™s like you had a new lease of life. Remember that feeling, and choose it over alcohol every day. Have a good day Laura :heart:


Thank you so much and I will x


I hope you know Laura that the advice i give you on here is only advice and therefore only needs to be taken if you want to, your path is your own and i will be here for you regardless of what happens on your journey, this shit is difficulf man, we rise and we fall and we all go at our own pace im just glad to be on the journey with you

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Hope your ok Laura xx

Hi yes Iā€™m good thankyou hope you are well too x

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Oh good just checking how u are, yes im good thank you :blush:


@Law1 Hey Laura, where are you lady?

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Hello there well Iā€™m back to day 5 :smirk:but Im hanging in there, my other half has had to get a grip of things to so fingers crossed we are both on the right track, tough times but hey fighting the demons and working at things, thank you so much for asking, means alot, hope you are well too :heart:


There you are! :blush: Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing well Laura, and even moreso that youā€™re already five days in! Itā€™s good heā€™s trying to sort himself out too. It will help you not to have temptation under your nose all the time.

Keep it up girl :muscle: