Not the outcome I wanted

I know my post’s have been melancholy but the news I didn’t want to hear after 4 years has slapped me in the face (not guilty) only punctured my lung and severed my diaphragm resulting in the air ambulance saving my life at the royal London hospital. As a mum it’s extremely hard to have to make the best Xmas for the boys but knowing the trial starts January. I will not let this upset my children or my family and I will fight for justice with knife crime. I will have a defence team try and tear me down to make it justifiable just so the perpetrator gets less time.
I Was a victim and after Xmas I will go full force on this topic


I feel like no one wants to comment because it’s not recovery based. I was actually 29 sober when I got attacked. I relapsed

The post has been here for only 10 minutes…Give people a chance to read it at least…


Sorry what?

You mentioned ten minutes after the original post that you didn’t think anyone wanted to reply to it. I was just saying give people more time to reply.

I know ignore me I’m sorry x

Did the trial verdict come in today as Not Guilty or is the trial in January?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

When I am in a tough situation or mentally, emotionally, or spiritually defeated, I recite this prayer. Sometimes in life, its all you can do.

Wish you well.


Hey girl! Please stay strong. Have you recovered from your injuries? I can imagine how scary that must have been.

Pre trail came back as still not guilty…::.I heard the offer was 10 years so she is trying her luck

Have life time nerve damage…punctured my lung and served my diaphragm- painful but she’s been allowed to walk about

She’s had 4 years of freedom you’d think she would just confess rather than drag me through a trail

Im head of the family. Spent 3 days in hospital with armed officers. The day I came home my family left me to get the kids ready for school:…::I have stitches from my chest bone to my belly button. I was left to be mum

I say these words daily x

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I have been treated so bad from the get go.
The girl who stabbed me took her clothes off.:::the police sent her dress to me in an evidence bag

I am sorry that you have had to go through all of this and have had to relive it again for so long through the legal process. Hopefully she is found guilty at trial and goes to prison for a long time.

Thank you. I need prays. I’m a working class woman and it was a random attack

I’m struggling

Im the one everyone turns to.
I act ok: but I need somewhere to voice

I appreciate this

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