Notice I'm eating a lot of fast food now

Anyone notice after they stopped drinking they used fast food to deal with cravings?


Yeah the void tries to get filled with something, fast food is better than drugs, and as those cravings go away I’d start tapering the fast food cravings too, so as to avoid replacing one with another so to speak. Just don’t beat yourself up over it too much, it takes time to change all these thought patterns, best of luck!

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I craved junk too. Sweet, then sour, then salty over and over. I would alternate Skittles, Werther’s originals and pizzeria pretzel combos…lol. Those 3 were my actual meals.


Well my first weeks without alcohol and cigarettes I was eating candies I never eat candies and I was feeling the need of sugar. Then I stopped when and started the gym you have to be careful because fast food is not good for your heart is as bad as alcohol. Why don’t you stop yourself when you feel crawling and hear yogurt or a coffee some juice. That stuff helps a lot. Or do a nice playlist and go for a walk!!

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I tend to eat more sugar. I’m told it is because wine (my DOC) is very sweet so I’m craving the lost sugars.

My opinion is just go with the cravings for now. Sure I may gain a few pounds but once I’m ready I can work on that. For now it is all about making sure I don’t drink.


Yeah I read this in the big book. Where they said a few extra pounds is better than going back to abusing alcohol again.


Ate like a horse the first month and didn’t deprive myself either. Pizza rolls were one of my go to’s as well as original taco flavor doritos. Pasta…anything pasta. And fried rice. And Pho…and now I am starving.


I was just wondering if there was a post for this. I’ve never craved food so much since I’ve been clean/sober lol expecially sugar. But that has to do with the lack of dopamine my brain has and the small spike sugar / junk food gives it. But today I put my foot down and watched what I ate. Addiction will manifest in every area of my life if I’m not careful. Good luck!

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God I was eating such crap (and still kind of am). I wanted ice cream, greasy food, chocolate, burgers, ramen, kind of anything really. But I’m dating a guy who’s a body builder so I work out with him and it helped me burn all that crap off. I think it’s better me eating a bunch of unhealthy food than drinking though. I never got violent just eating so even though it’s not great for me, I still count it as a win.

Ice cream and chocolate every day!


Its killin me! I know eventually I’m gonna need to kick the sugar, but one thing at a time.

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Wow im just now realising that I’ve been craving ice cream And fast food… and soda. That’s crazy because if I didn’t read this post I would have never put two and two together.

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Constant cravings for food that’s bad for you, but I only weigh 7 and a half stone so I’m not worried about it just yet… My job has literally run the meat off my bones!


I started my diet when i stopped drinking so it’s been tough lol. I usually drink alot of soda when i stop drinking, but not having that either.

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Did the conversion to lbs. 7.5 stone is tiny. Eat and enjoy. Kick the booze and then start working out. One day, and one thing, at a time.

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Yip… I used to weigh more but 12 hour shifts with only three half hour breaks, constant stress and sometimes drinking over eating has me down to nothing… I’m looking forward to doing an admin job again… Eating at my desk and sitting on my ass! :joy:


Babe all I talk about on here is food… Lol :joy:

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I can’t decide what to choose!!! The struggle is real!

There’s like sixteen of them :cry:

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So are apples… And raspberries, this one has raspberry sauce in it!! :joy: is kinder beauno not good for you?