Nyquil controversy

I took two doses of Nyquil during a week of battling the flu. I know it contains alcohol but I didn’t use it to get high. I wanted to stop the coughing, kill my fever, stop my sore throat so I could get some sleep. There were only 2 doses in the bottle. My sponsor wants me to throw away my 5 months and start at day 1. Half my AA group is with him and half are with me. What do you folks think?

Taking medicine while sick is totally reasonable. Don’t reset 5 months in my opinion.


Tough one. Well I’m going to be captain obvious and suggest you buy tablets. The question on reset is only yours to answer. You clearly knew the NyQuil had alcohol? Where do you draw the line?

I’m with Homer!

As long as you take it as directed I say you are fine. Also no one else can take your inventory but you so I think your sponsor is going a little past his/her role.


They do have alcohol free ones too

I dont think you should reset. You werent taking it with the intentions of getting messed up. My choice of poison is alcohol and if God forbid i got in an accident and needed pain medicine i dont think resetting my time is fair :woman_shrugging:

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I agree. It’s your Recovery and you have to listen to your heart.

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Hmmmmmm…yeah, I honestly don’t think you should have to reset. You were taking medicine to help you rest to recover from the flu. Also…I only have 83days sober and haven’t been to AA but my dad is a 30years sober 12 stepper all the way, and I’m pretty sure that like…rule one…is that people need to make the choice to get sober and then make the choices that define their sobriety on their own…

It sounds like your sponsor is projecting his or her boundaries onto you


If you sponsored someone what would u recomend ? Anyway u took it because of cough and such .thats ok to me . Only u know what to do . But asking and listening to others is good .

100% your call. I just went through the flu, and specifically avoided Nyquil for the very reason that it contains alcohol, so I wouldn’t have to have that internal conflict. That’s just me, and I am a bit more binary in my thinking than most folks. If you still consider yourself clean and sober, regardless of taking the medicine, then that’s your call.

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Oh man. This has resentment written all over it. Is it because you took the 2 doses? Instead of one I mean?

I know my homegroup counts anything that can make you drowsy … pretty much anything you can catch a feeling from mood or mind altering that you should reset your time. I know if my sponsor told me to reset I would… but thats just my honest experience.

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You could always look for an alternate next time. Thats like saying you need to reset because you used mouthwash with alcohol in it. Its daily life things we use for our health. Isnt like you bought a bottle of robitussin to Robo-trip on with no cold. Thats addict menality…

They have NyQuil that doesn’t contain alcohol, that’s what I took this past week while battling a bad cold.

Nonetheless, it comes down to each and every person and how they handle alcohol containing items.

Personally, if I even have a 0.01% chance of a relapse, I stay clear. I treat alcohol as if I’m deadly allergic to it, like if I was allergic to peanuts…would I risk the 0.01% chance of possible having a reaction–no.


In my opinion…I would only go back to day one for a relapse. I don’t even consider this a lapse, let alone relapse.

If you took it because you were desperate for anything to get a buzz from that is one thing. If it triggers you and you start drinking more alcohol because of it that is another. But taking medicine when you are sick is good responsible care of your health, IMO.

However…go to the store and buy yourself some NyQuil pills. :blush:


I bought store brand DayQuil and NyQuil and completely forgot there was alcohol in the NyQuil lol there is 10% alcohol in it. I just read it this morning. In my opinion I wouldn’t consider this a relapse. My sobriety/clean date is 12/4/19 and my intention was to clear this sickness. Not to get drunk because if I wanted to get drunk trust me, I would go get drunk. But if I remembered that this medicine had alcohol in it I wouldn’t of bought it. I would of bought the non alcohol
Version and took melatonin with it. I believe you are fine because it’s the intention behind it. It’s your recovery at the end of the day. I’m not throwing away my recovery date because of me forgetting there’s alcohol in NyQuil. I have over 1300 days clean and sober and like I said, if I wanted to get drunk I would get drunk. I wouldn’t choose NyQuil to relapse on. Congratulations on your recovery and keep pushing!


I didn’t read all of this. I did comment on another thread about NyQuil last night. I don’t see alcohol listed in the ingredients in NyQuil. In the picture that I posted it had dextromethorphan, acetaminophen and Doxylamine succinate.

Is there a hidden alcohol in one of these products? Is Dextromethorphan alcohol?

If you take it because you’re sick and you take it as prescribed and it doesn’t make you want to go buy 5 bottles of vodka it should be fine.

If you take it to get the feeling that you did with your drug of choice than it’s not.

I don’t think it was fair to the original poster way back there in 2018, I think that was out of line for them to take away that persons five months

The doxylamine succinate will cause drowsiness but it’s not because of alcohol.

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I agree with Homer and Tamia

This says that NyQuil has alcohol in it. As someone else said 10%.

I standbyby the fact that if you need it for a medical purpose and you’re not using it to get messed up it’s fine to use it. If your sobriety is teetering and you think it might trigger you then get one of the ones that does not have alcohol in it

If you can believe Wikipedia it goes through the different kinds and says how much alcohol is in each one.

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