Occult studies?

Was curious if anyone here studied the occult? If so I would love to chat with regards to staying sober but also share knowledge with someone in the same mindset.


If it’s just generally occult (the study of magic, magical or mysterious powers) I’m not sure, but I believe all Satanic enquiries are directed to @Englishd.


Well it was an open question for the occult. I’m open to converse about all aspects of the occult. Some people believe things I dont but we are all on our own journey. I was curious if anyone here has incorporated their studies into helping them get sober.


There is a satanic recovery chapter. Derek has the info/link I think @Englishd


I studied and practiced for years, essentially paganism, tarot, and various rituals, I have gotten away from it for my own reasons., but I’m curious as to what you are interested in?

For Those referencing Santanism and such completely different ball of wax,


Thank your for your input. I’m not fully sure what I believe but I’ve been stuck in the rabbit hole for a while now. I take everything in first amd make my own decisions on it. I do like sigils cause it is a way of reminding yourself of intentions with quick images. I have also noticed that most of it is wrapped up in being all about yourself and above god. I do believe it can be useful to help improve your reality in a way and improve your life.

I dabble with tarot myself. Just curious to see if anyone has tried to use their practices or ideas to help get over drinking all the time. Just curious to see what has helped others. Those of who are open to share their views and not judge others. I like to make my own decisions and not judge others beliefs so much. If I dont agree I just let it go no point in arguing.

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As a Christian I still always try to keep an open mind, but I’d like to think Santa’s not involved. And especially if he has access to my house while I’m asleep.

I’m not gonna criticize you for your path to recovery it is your choice to do what you feel is going to work for you,

In my teachings and understandings a lot of it came to balance, yin & yang if you will, for their to be good their must be evil, night & day etc. god & goddess.

I was also taught that in mind & spirit we are not above god or Gods if you will but merely a god of your own whereas if you could channel your own energies you could create a stronger bond with the universe and create your desired path in life


I agree with the balance and that’s part of my recovery. I dont want to quit drinking. I would just like to get back to being myself again maybe drink 1 a week and not every night. Just thought might be easier with people of the same mindset with drinking and occult knowledge. Having others to talk too.

Just a liitle reminder about forum rule #5 before you get into a discussion about moderation.
5. Rather than posting about using, try to keep your focus on how you want to stop using. This is a sobriety focused site - promoting moderation can negatively impact members’ sobriety.


Darkness and light Chris you nailed it on the head no matter what you believe energy will pull you to both sides you need to learn to live a balanced life and through that balance of acceptance of masculine and feminine energy dark or light in faith there is where the balance exists.

I appreciate a lot of the input because everyone has said a fair bit. I don’t like handing out knowledge I’ve gained on faith, I like allowing people to open on how far they have come because everyone has there own path and needs to find themselves and allowing someone else to dictate which direction you should walk in that matter is not a true path. I consider myself a heathen its not a faith its a lifestyle. Your soul will know once it finds itself choose yourself and believe in yourself first and foremost or no religion or faith will save or help you


Indeed, sobriety is a magical gift to your self. :heart:


I wasnt promoting moderation.

My apologies for the confusion. I didn’t say you were promoting moderation. I said “before you get into a discussion about moderation…” which was in response to the following.

It was only a friendly reminder about the rules in case others started to engage about moderation.


Search YouTube " Tyler’s tarot" he in the best!! He is %100 accurate its uncanny how spot on his readings are!! You will enjoy him :hugs:

This is a sobriety forum. We STRONGLY encourage not drinking or using drugs. We are sober and clean here.

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A wise woman once told me “once a cucumber becomes a pickle there’s no going back to being a cucumber”


That’s interesting does he do live readings via video or something?

I never bought Inyo that, always felt you need the energies in the room for it to be fulfilling and accurate.

Curiously killed the cat,

He described the same person, in my sign, :rofl: so I’m not buying it