October fitness challenge

I’ll get in on that one.


I’ve been thinking about this as I think what you are all trying to do is great - motivating and beneficial on many levels.
From participating in, and observing the push-up challenges I think one hurdle might be the length of each challenge.
If you look at the the push-up challenges there is generally a nice pool of people to start with, then from two weeks on you really start to see a drop in participation, till finally by the end only a small group finish it out.
You should lean into this natural attrition and maybe set the challenges as two week, or even ten day challenges.
Short, sharp and punchy that people can more easily commit to, and also keeps things fresh with a continuous rotation of exercises.
Don’t overcomplicate things with multiple exercises, focus instead on one exercise/action only. Shorter challenges means people can see the end in sight and may be more willing to commit to the end - a month can feel a surprisingly long time… Think about your first sober month… what a grind!
I’d certainly be down for more single-exercise shorter challenges that I could more easily slip into my routine without it feeling onerous. If I end up loving it I can always incorporate it into my daily and continue.
Love what you’re doing though :grinning:


You’re right. It’s been stupid. :roll_eyes: I was too excited.

No! Not stupid at all. You were just trying to see what we could do different. Maybe Aybee has a point about it being to long because we do always have a bunch of people say they will do it at the start of the month and then participation tappers off. Or maybe people just don’t want to do these but we got each other :heart: I’ll do them with you as long as you want.
Random and not related at all. I decided my next thing I want to do to stay busy (because I can’t just work out all the time). I downloaded Duolingo and started a German course so I can talk to you in your home language.


Of all romantic and easy languages you chose German :crazy_face::joy:


Or we just go back to the good old January plank challenge.


I’m going to wait til January to do that one. I plan on doing the November one from last year


Day 25 done. Feeling like i am ‘breeding’ some infection. Maybe it’s just the weather.


Oh no!! Take care of yourself. Do y’all have the alka seltzer Effervescences over there? I swear by them


Thank you @Astro and @Runningfree . It’s not that bad. I still have to go to work :wink: I am rarely sick so it think I react like a man, I will just drop dead


Bahahaha!!! Thanks for the laugh


I’m going to take my rest day today and do today tomorrow. I tweaked my back yesterday during my workout so just giving it a day to rest.


Day 25 :ballot_box_with_check: - done earlier before my run but didn’t have time to post before work. Y’all have a great rest day! :blush:


Day 27 :ballot_box_with_check:


Day 27 done. Still not fit but it’s getting better.


This is the breakdown of the November challenge. We could do walking on those active recovery days. I’ve actually been thinking about doing what’s called a running streak. It’s where you run/walk a mile each day (you can do more if wanted) This lady I went to school is doing one right now and is on day 150!!


I can’t wait to join the November challenge!!!


Not much transformation. She is an avid runner. Does marathons like they are a walk in the park. A few years ago she did an international run and she literally ran across an entire country! They ran for 6 days I believe and each day was 40-60km depending on where the checkpoint town was.

I’ve been thinking on the running streak for a while now. Still undecided if I want to commit to it every single day lol I run 3-4 days a week now and do strength the other days.


It was very impressive. I’ve told her before I live vicariously through her :joy: I’m glad you are going to try the streak. Let me know how it goes. I’m about to bump the November challenge up on the thread list. I’ll tag you on it

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There are still 3 days to join us in October :upside_down_face:

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