Off Meth for 3 months!

I’ve been free from meth since April 28, 2018!!
Im now on day 88 but in just 2 days I’ll be hitting the BIG 90 :yellow_heart:
I haven’t been able to be sober since last year around this same time but it was by force.
I’ve never wanted to be this sober in the last 3 years I’ve been using & I feel amazing. There are still some bad days & days where I have strong cravings but the good outweighs the bad.
The longest I’ve EVER been sober is for 4 months. If I hit that 5 MONTHS, it’ll be a new record & I just might cry.
I can’t wait to see the day… I know I’m going to.
I’m proud of myself…
If I got it, I know the rest of you do too, NO DOUBT


So happy to hear you are doing so well. :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you, much love!!

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That’s so good!! Proud of you!
& you’re right, maybe I should get a new tatt, maybe on my neck lol I been wanting it so bad!

I’m sorry, rooks pierced. No idea what that is but sounds painful regardless.

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Bahaha, I was wondering what this is as well…I have a pretty good guess though! And if it is that…it is painful lol. :rofl::joy::rofl:

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Girl, that is AMAZING!!! You go girl, you are doing SO awesome! What’s your favorite thing about sobriety?

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You’re doing great! Glad you’re here and sober today.

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Omg, I had NO idea there were so many!!! That’s amazing, thanks for sharing-learn something new every day!

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Thank you! :yellow_heart: & it’s that I get to enjoy every moment I’m alive. When you’re on drugs you’re alive, but not living…


Thank you!! :yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

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