Off to my AA meeting

At times the meetings are hard. They are sad, heartbreaking, tear wrenching etc. But the power of these meetings are of the utmost importance for survival. The power is mine and it is yours as well. Take hold of it and never let go.


I’m happy to hear you are enjoying your meetings. Enjoying may not be the right word.
But you know what I mean. It took me awhile to get in to the rooms. I’m not always crazy about going. But it does fill my spiritual tank. I look back now and don’t know what I was afraid of.

Glad you’re liking them. As they say.
Just keep coming back.


Happy for you @Back2life - you are walking a path that is helping, and it sounds like you’re feeling it work. Good for you. Keep it up!


If the meetings work for you that is great! You are around people who want to stop drinking and using. Sometimes that is exactly what you need! Keep going!


Good to hear glad your attending meetings ,give them my regards from a old timer in Scotland wish you well