Oh no, not this

I heard a beautiful cardinal singing his song today. triggered

Backstory: my wife and I bird watch. In just our little area, I’ve identified over 40 species of birds in a single season. We love it! We even narrate our little bird soap operas…its great.

This will be my first year birdwatching sober.

I immediately wanted a cigarette. I wanted to run outside and see him serenade his belle, with a cigarette in hand.

Just hearing him, from the coziness of my living room chair, I could feel the Spring Sun warm my skin, the cool breeze refresh my face as I plant my garden

And a cigarette hanging from my mouth

Oh mylanta

I was getting too complacent.


Toothpicks work great for me.

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Forget the toothpick … Use a plant lol
There’s a whole garden there :rose::tulip::four_leaf_clover::ear_of_rice::sunflower:

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Not much growing in WV right now. Hahaha, so I might have to use the toothpick.

Toothpicks have become my best friend. The mint ones really do something for me🤣

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Also, I wanted to add that lollipops have also been a great vice for me too. It’s that hand mouth thing for me!