Ok back at square one

I wake up this morning motivated to adhere to my health goals that include eliminating smoking weed and laying off the alcohol i dont really drink often maybe once a month, but i smoke everyday… Friday was my last drink (half a glass of wine) i woke up so sick and with the worst headache. I smoked last yesterday evening. I wish i diddnt… I have not made it more than 2 days without smoking… It has become so routine in my day. I need to focus and keep my mind on my health goals. Thank ypu to anyone who reads this.


Hi Evolve I, too battle with the booze & especially rely on the weed when not drinking. Alcohol has had devastating consequences for me but weed not so much (ok well except for tuning everything out & relaxing a bit). Not sure how to quit both, esp being married to a dry drunk who takes MY inventory DAILY. It’s real hard. Nearly 3 weeks sans alcohol & 4 days weed. Best of luck to us all with our goals!

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It is good that ur continuing with sobriety… U will surely get out of it if u stay strong

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Sorry for the super late reply, i have maintained my no drinking stance but i have not been as successful in my adventure of not smoking, i to am married to a recovering alcoholic, he does not say a thing to me about smoking but i can tell via his expressions when i am high that he mentally has his own opinion lol. I am using a weening method that i am hoping will lead me into quitting pot completly without feeling like its to far out of my reach like cold turkey, i tried i really did i still am really but i noticed since i have been limiting my consumption i still get the urge but i make concious decisions to do something else that requires my full attention.

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