Old habits

I’m so sad because I decided to break up.
I wish I were stronger but I need to get high, I want to drink and get drunk but I know that I detoxocated already 3 times and, being an alcoholic, it won’t stop to one night drunk. How do you fight sadness?

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Drinking or getting high will only delay your sadness ive done it for years and never dealt with it trust me it builds up if you dont face it head on sober


Its so worth it. Its a hard journey one im still working through but delaying it only makes it worse

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Life will be life…good days, bad days, depressed days. Break ups, deaths, promotions, births. Joy and sadness.

What addiction does is supress true emotion. It pushes it down, lets it fester into something unmanageable.

A sober life is better, for me, because thru the bad things I experience peace…knowledge that what ever happening is realatively short in the spectrum of life. I experience joy, just not happiness when life is good.

Stay sober, you are worth a sober life.