Omg 2 weeks!

Hey guys! It’s been two whole weeks I’ve been sober from all of my addictions. I’m super proud of myself making it this far. This week has been a little easier my cravings have been bad but other then that I’m doing better. Sadly I’ve turned to stress eating, which isn’t gonna habit to form so I’m working on that now. I’ve also notice my cravings for sweets like chocolate had worsen. I want to thank everyone who’s given me advice and help me get this far!


2 weeks! Huge congratulations :balloon::tada::confetti_ball: the extra sweets are pretty common. At some point one decides when to tackle that. I haven’t felt ready for that one yet​:thinking: so hats off to you for the good work and keep stacking those days!


2 weeks is a great accomplishment my friend & you should be proud of yourself cause im also proud of you my friend! Stay strong & Blessed!


Way to break through 2 weeks of sobriety! Yippee!:muscle:


Ya know what … two weeks, turns into four weeks … and so on, and so on and so on.
YOU keep doing that " so on" thing … :purple_heart:


Congratulations!! Happy for you! Glad your cravings are easing up some.

There are several threads here on eating. Scroll down and you’ll find them.

Again congrats on the two weeks.


I got pretty fat the first half year of sobriety. But I didn’t want to restrict eating or even try and keep it in check cos I needed that to balance out the stress of all the change. It’s levelled out a long time ago and that’s what it’s like for most ppl who pay attention to what and how they eat. The sweet tooth has it’s time, then you reign it in.

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Congratulations on 2 weeks sober. My body was basically in shock I think from removing the alcohol, and I started drinking sodas( (which I never did), and more ice cream and junk then usual ,and after I felt a bit better than I started controlling that. @Faugxh I’ll still take being fat and happy, over skinny and drunk any day of the week though :wink:


Well done for the 2 weeks! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

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Totally, I didn’t mean to imply that being skinny is in anyway a goal in itself.* Neither skinniness or fatness have anything inherently to do w happiness for me. Drunk is off the table for us anyway. And happy should always be at least in the mix now. :slight_smile:

*I was never a skinny girl anyway and for long years pretty fat. My entire family is obese. I feel like healthy and strong is what has replaced that useless dichotomy for me thankfully a long time ago.

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I agree :100: percent. :grin:

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Congrats on your two weeks!

Congratulations on your 2 weeks . Soberity is not a marathon its a journey… keep things one day at a time and control things that you can .congrats on your 2 weeks Again !!!

Well done on your 2 weeks!!! :confetti_ball::tada:
I know the sweets cravings come at you hard at the beginning but they do get better. The body is trying to replace the sugar from all the alcohol we were drinking.

Keep up the a amazing work Isaiah ODAAT :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: