On Day 3 Of No Alcohol

New here I’m only on my 3rd day sober . There’s a liquor store at the corner of my house and one right next to my job . I’ve been trying to hold myself accountable for years . I feel good but I know it’s an uphill battle . I’m just enjoying all this energy and peace I have right now and not trying to think about anything. My 16 year old son has seen the worst of my issues and I have a 2 year old . I want them to be proud of me .


Welcome and congrats on your day 3.
I’m glad you found us FY.

I was so sick and tired and always always hungover and I’ve tried to quit many times. Then I thought. Maybe there’s an app for that.

I been sober one day at a time since I found this very caring loving non judgmental community.

I’ll take another day 1 with you. Just for today we won’t drink. Fuck those liquor stores! You’re not going there today!

It sounds like you got a lot to be grateful for when you’re sober. Come check out the best loving bunch of caring grateful alcoholics on the gratitude thread

We got so much to be grateful for when we are sober. I write on it every day. I read it every day. I’d love to read how grateful you are having a 16 year old and a 2 year old. I’m grateful my 1 year old grandson and my 18 month old granddaughter will never see their Pop Pop drunk. I’m grateful I get to love on them sober and watch them grow.
Gratitude is the most powerful tool in my toolbox. I’ve retrained my brain. I’m grateful every morning in not hungover and grateful every single night my head hits the pillow sober.

Have a good read around here. Be active. Join in when you’re comfortable. You may not love us all. But we already love you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we know what you’re going through. We got your back if you let us.


Welcome to the community friend - you are among peers who understand this up hill battle and can help offer support adn advice.

As Eric mentioned - the gratitude thread is a wonderful place to get started with our sober journey. Even on days that i don’t feel like i can find gratitude, i take time to read around and it all comes pouring out.

3 days is amazing work. You do need a good plan in place (avoid those liquor stores, social events where you might be triggered or tempted, etc) and have a good support system in place. You most definitely are not alone.

I also like the check in thread as it gives me accountability and lets me see others dealing with their daily battles and celebrating their milestones. Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Come join us on the many threads we have here - hope to see you around :hugs:


Welcome girl, you’ve found the right place. Congrats on three days! That’s amazing… keep it up, the days start to add up and you start to feel so much better. Facts. Glad to have you here :black_heart:


You can do it!! For yourself, for your kids, and for your future - you know this good feeling? It keeps getting better - and you deserve it!! :slight_smile:


Congratulations!! I’m on day 4 myself so
I know how much a struggle those first few days are. Your sons are going to be so incredibly proud of their mom for deciding that “enough is enough.” It’s not about what you did yesterday, it’s what you choose to going forward.

You got this! :love_you_gesture:t5:


Welcome! Liquor stores are everywhere. At first it was such a struggle to pass by. Like I was on autopilot. I’d tell myself “not today” and next thing you know I’m at the counter with my wallet out. Now almost 3 sober years later? I look at those same stores and “poison” pops into my head. It is very freeing. I wish the same for you.


Thank you to everyone who gave me encouragement… today is day 5 and when I got off of work and my toddler was running around stressing me …I’d usually go get a bottle of wine but I just kept reading re reading everyone’s messages and remembering how I would feel in the morning I want clarity! Still learning this app so hopefully everyone sees this much love


Congrats on day 5 and handling your stress without making it worse by drinking. So often we think of drinking as some kind of stress relief or treat and yet we know it mostly ends with hangovers and guilt, shame and regret or worse. Yet we keep doing it! It is a relief to let that all go and learn true ways of dealing with life (cuz life will always have some stress) without poisoning ourselves. Idk if you like to read (or have time!!), but This Naked Mind by Annie Grace opened my eyes about drinking and what it really is. Maybe give it a listen or read if you can. Making your kids proud and modeling strength are great things…and making yourself proud is even better. :people_hugging::heart: Keep moving forward. :heart:

Yayyyy! Congratulations on day 5 and overcoming stress without resorting to drinking. One day at a time. Can’t wait to see your number keep going up.

Come to this community whenever you need words of encouragement. I know I do!

Yes!!! This is it! By turning here and taking a moment to seek clarity, this is exactly the mentality to help overcome the cravings!

I also used to turn to wine when faced with pressures and stress, hoping that it would numb or drown out whatever angst I was facing; but it has been so much easier to deal with it all now that my mind and body are clear.

Keep it up! You’re doing great! :slight_smile:

For now, i have only one suggestion.

I hope this helps

Think of something that they do not sell there that you want

That’s a reason to avoid that trigger
Pretend that they are a cemetery
Or worse, pretend they only give covid up the nose test.
Those are some crappy ideas