On Holiday -Sober

I arrived in Morocco yesterday for a family holiday. We’re staying in an all inclusive resort which means all alcohol included. Yesterday when I arrived during the day time was relatively easy but last night I was tempted a few times to drink wine with dinner. I kept looking over at it and had to remind myself what I’d feel like waking with a hangover. Im reading The Naked Mind while I’m here to help me stay on track. I wish alcohol wasn’t such a big part of everyday life. It’s there no matter where you go! I think this holiday will be a lot tougher than what I originally thought in terms of keeping my strength to stay away.


It might be tough in some ways but it will be AWESOME in so many others!

You will remember all the time you spend with your family and you won’t have to worry about saying things you will regret. You won’t waste any of your time there feeling sick or anxious with a hangover. You will notice all the cool things happening in Morocco.

I haven’t been but I know it’s a Muslim country so I’d say get out of the resort as much as possible and you might find it’s less in your face.

Have you got any trips planned or anything while you’re there?

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That’s a tough one. But you’ll be so proud when you have completed a sober holiday. Can you take yourself off in the evening to explore rather than sit surrounded by drink? Good call on bringing the book. I need to read that. I’m reading THE SOBER DIARIES by Clare Pooley. It’s so relatable and she’s from UK. It’s also funny which helps ! Bit like Bridget Jones without the wine ! Really hope you enjoy your holiday and stay strong. Check in here lots but take in all the things you would normally miss on holiday because of drink x

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I’m trip planning today and deciding where is best to go. It’s easier at home when I’m usually tired by 8/9 o’clock and in bed asleep for 10 so not much time to think about it. But being away and relaxed somehow makes it harder.

When I woke up this morning I went to the gym and I know I wouldn’t have done that if I’d drank last night so felt proud myself.


That’s next on my book list to read while I’m here! Lol! Have you read “The Unexpected Joy of being Sober”? That is also a fantastic read. I’d been contemplating giving up for months and by chance I was in hairdressers and that book was recommended in a magazine. I read it and it made me see alcohol so differently that I then just stopped. So much of what Catherine Gray writes about was my life! She is also from the UK. It’s a fantastic read.


You did a good read already so it should me a bit easier then to stay focused on the good things coming from not drinking. I love to get up early, enjoying fresh morning air, being free if hangovers, remembering the night before and having the energy to plan trips instead of getting wasted at the pool or bar. Life is so much brighter without putting poison into yourself all the time.
Enjoy your sober holiday. One day at a time!


Hey @Tia_N how’s it going? Hope you are having lots of fun in Morocco and finding interesting things to do! Keep us posted, love a good holiday update :blush:

@siand Hi! Yes it’s going great thank you! I have stayed away from the drink and have replaced it with cake, coffee and nuts! Lol! I’m still waking up every morning and feeling grateful that I don’t have a hangover! We went to the souks yesterday which was an eye opener for my children but they enjoyed all the same.

I’ve also been researching going back to study next year. I figure it’ll be something to consider if I keep my clear head. Before it always seemed like too much hard work but recently I’ve been feeling much more positive about myself in general so why not!

I’ve just noticed you’re from the UK. Whereabouts are you from? Forgive me if I’ve asked you that already but I have a shocking memory.:blush:


Amazing glad that you’re having a good time. Bet the food is awesome! I have been getting some nice dates from the shops here recently, imagine the ones from the souks or wherever over there would be amazing.

What are you looking at studying? I did my degree and the first part of my MSc while working full time, I’ve gone down to four days a week to finish my MSc (although that was 18 months ago and only just handed in my research proposal this week :see_no_evil:). It’s hard to balance it in but once you get into the swing of it, if it’s something you’re interested in it’s worth it.

I live in the North West, near Chester. From Reading though down South. I don’t think you’ve asked me before but my memory is just as shocking so who knows :joy:

The dates are amazing! I’m the only one in my family that eats them so more for me! Lol!

I’m looking at doing a counselling course. I’ve missed the deadline so it’s something I’ll keep in mind for next September. What is the course that you’re currently doing? I work full-time and don’t want to take on anything too heavy until my son is a little older. I’ve enjoyed being around for them while they were babies as I work from home but now they’re getting more independent I’m staring to think I should put a plan in place to do something different.

I’ve never been to that part of the country. I’m in Derby but originally from Leicester.

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I’m doing my masters in social research skills, just got my project left to do. If you wanted to dip your toe in the water first, there are a couple of websites that offer free courses, you just pay if you want the certificates, FutureLearn and OpenLearn.

I don’t understand how your family can not like dates? They are the ultimate sweet sugary goodness :heart_eyes:

Thank you for the information regarding home learning. I shall have a look and to see if there’s anything of interest that I can do while waiting for the next academic year.

I don’t understand them either when it comes to dates. They also have a lot of nuts here in Morocco and many of the desserts are almond based (another food I can’t get enough of) so I’m finding it difficult to stay away from them also! It’s going to be hard work when I get back home trying to shift the pounds away that I will inevitably put on/have put on while I’ve been here.

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If you’re getting to the gym in the mornings, as well as the fact that you’re not drink, I’m sure you won’t have too many extra pounds to worry about. Although you’re on your holidays, not time to be worrying anyway!

I was so surprised when I went to France in the summer, I ate SO MUCH cheese and patisserie but didn’t put on much more than a couple of pounds. I guess I was more active than I would usually have been and no empty boozy calories either!

I hope not. I’m telling myself that I will deal with the scales/weigh gain when I get home and try not to think about it while I’m here. I’ve said it a few times on here but the sugar cravings since giving up alcohol have been ridiculous. I’m hoping once I’m back home and back into my routine it’ll calm down a little. Whereas here I can’t help myself!

On another note…I’ve finished The Sober Diaries which was a fantastic read. :blush: Any suggestions as to what to read next?

I reckon you will be surprised, I have become a sugar monster but I’ve still lost weight since stopping drinking as I’m more active and I guess I was consuming quite a lot of sugar and calories in booze. Even if you do put on a couple of holiday pounds though, weight just fluctuates all the time and when you get back into a good routine it will normalise like you say. Just enjoy yourself! If eating some sugar helps you get through it sober then it’s worth it in the short term.

I haven’t read the sober diaries or the unexpected joys of being sober… I want to try the unexpected joys though. I’ve been reading the Dalai Lama Art of Happiness for general ideas on living a good life. But I am getting through it painful slowly as I don’t spend much time reading. I’m also getting through Allen Carr’s stop smoking book as I’ve recently quit nicotine.

You’re right. Every other holiday I’d be pissed every night and then have a big binge on carbs before I went to bed.

I’m taking my kids to a Buddhist centre in a couple of weeks to a family session on mindfulness and peace. I’m hoping we all learn something. I’ve downloaded a couple of apps to try and get into meditation and mindfulness. Have you tried any of them yourself?

I’ve heard of Carr on here I think. Hasn’t he written about alcohol too? How long had you been smoking for?

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Ah Buddhist centre sounds awesome! Yes I do meditation. I use an app called Calm, I bought the subscription after doing the 7 day introduction series. I am amazed how just sitting and breathing for 10 minutes a day makes such a massive difference! A couple of threads on here you might be interested in:

I also do yoga. Started doing them both earlier this year, I feel like they helped me get into the frame of mind to quit drinking.

Yes Carr does a book about alcohol too. I read This Naked Mind which I believe is a similar principle, helps you reframe the way you think about alcohol.

Started smoking when I was 14, stopped at 28, started and stopped/switched between smoking and vaping over the last couple of years (am 30 now). Stopped smoking in September, been nicotine free (i.e. off the patches) for 3 weeks :raised_hands:

I recommend the app Simple Habit. Meditations on specific topics, each 5 minutes long. Longer practices and even some sleep aids are also available in it. Mostly American voices doing the guiding. Good luck on your path!

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I’ve tried the free parts on Calm and was debating whether to buy the full version. Didn’t know if it’d be worth the £42.

I’m going to give the Carr book a go next. I’m finding that I need to keep reminding myself why I have given up and reading helps.

I smoked when I was at school but luckily I quickly realised that I was only really doing it to fit in and it wasn’t something I particularly enjoyed so I stopped when I was 17. However, the drinking stayed unfortunately. Do the patches take the edge off the cravings? I’ve been asking my Mum for years to try to give up but she has failed many times and always goes back. Not sure if she’s tried the patches or not.

Thank you for the links, I shall give them a look.