Seems unless you are new, in crisis, or popular is the only way you get noticed here.
It’s been mentioned before the feeling of isolation on this page and I believe there is some truth to that. Once you get to that point, maybe 30 days?? I dunno, it kind of all seems to slow up a bit.
Now I’m not necessarily critiquing anyone in particular, just making an observation as I’ve stayed a bit low key for past week’ish just to see. And to be clear, I’m fine and can attempt on my own if needed, as myself and my wife and son are all I really need in this world, but I just thought it appropriate to point out.
Unless there is drama, or you’ve made a close contact with someone, the responses rate and or acknowledgement falls off while others constantly get highlighted. I get that some need it more as they should, but it’s tough when there is no supportive words… perhaps it falls to only the big check marks of 60, 90, 365 days… not sure.
Now this post is not for anyone to get knickers in a knot or to get on defensive, it’s just an observation, and opinion that follows with what I’ve seen many others state. I’m not calling anyone out at all, I’m just stating that at the point when folks seem to be cruising along may actually be when they are more likely to relapse as they’ve kind of fallen from the eyes of many.
Anyway, I’m still happy to have found this group, much of the reading and early support I received was hugely helpful, and there are many here that I think very highly of. I just wanted to share what I witness and thought awareness could be highlighted as most everyone, if here and posting, don’t wish to fall to obscurity otherwise why would they post to begin with?
I don’t ask for any help, support, advice to any degree, but it’s some folks in this category that may appreciate the kind words and encouragement more occasionally so as to keep going and or even stay engaged as opposed to drift away.
ODAAT and be well folks, just wished to share how I was feeling this morning.