Once a weekend alcohol binge

I’m so happy you made it… Looks like your going to have to plan to do other things on the weekend. Keep yourself busy. I use to make plans just to hold myself accountable… well, I still do actually :grinning:

Hell I am a binge drinker. Only difference is it’s ever 2 -3 days. But I could go all week without drinking. The difference isn’t how often I don’t think. The way you drink. I could go all week but I know if I drink I’m getting shitfaced. There’s no stopping that train once I get started. So that’s my story. And why I think I am an alcoholic.

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By the way I’m 4 days now. Trying to make it a couple weeks. Then a couple months. We’ll see how this goes. Feel great today though!!!


Hi @Zach2

I am the same, I won’t drink alone or I won’t want to go out for 2 or 3 beers, if I’m going to drink I generally know once the train gets momentum… its hard to pull the brakes… this is why I believe it’s a problem, surely this can’t be normal… ??

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I’ve been past 2 weekends and that’s really when I like to slam down 12 packs but I didn’t. I actually got out and help clean the cars with my wife and cleaned up around the house. My wife is like man this is the old me before drinking got hold of me. Great times. Do I want some yes but I can curb it with some IT studying or coding a project.

I do the same, I make early mornig plans for the following day so that I know I cannot go out the night before and I need to be fresh and ready early the following morning

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Personally I consider it a waste… It’s basically drinking as a hobby. Think what other exciting things and experiences could be in that place.


@Badger 100% in a perfect world yes, but thats the difficulty alcoholics have that normal people find easy ti comprehend and alcoholics don’t

Oh I do it alone lol

My story involved periodic drinking. I would look forward to an event so I could get drunk. I’d drink and drive, not remember getting home. On and on. Life is better sober. When I quit I made a plan ahead of time to have my own alcohol free drinks available. That’s what worked for me. :unicorn::unicorn::unicorn:

Hi @Phoebe I would also look forward to an ocassion or someone’s birthday knowing that I’m going to get drunk on that particular day.
It’s so difficult to go to an event, everyone drinking and I’m drinking Fanta or something non alcoholic…

@Liam2 But the reward of remembering everything and having no regrets or shame was life changing for me.


I will get there :slightly_smiling_face: @Phoebe

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I have never been able to just have one drink. Like never, since the first time I drank at 14 to now, 47, never have I had only one drink. When I was younger it was binge drinking on weekends but then it just…morphs into more habitual drinking. When I stopped I was drinking from about 10am until I went to sleep at 9, but most people couldn’t even tell. I couldn’t even get drunk at the end unless I wanted to drink an entire bottle of bourbon. It was pointless and such an incredible waste of everything but I was powerless over it. I’ve tried to control it and failed, I’ve tried to moderate it and failed. Now I just don’t drink at all and it feels so much better. The biggest thing for me when quitting was planning it out, psyching myself up for it, and realizing I couldn’t do a lot of the things I was doing before, as a newly sober person, and stay sober so I had to change my life a bit. I’m at 101 days and I feel amazing in every way. Sorry, I’m rambling a bit but the point is, only you can know if you are an alcoholic. It is a progressive disease so if you’re feeling uncomfortable about your habits now you should try to pay attention to that because it does get worse if left unchecked.


I’m a binge drinker. I, as well, cannot have just one or a few. I drink everything in the house. Sometimes I drive and get more. I used to only be a Friday night drinker, then covid hit and it was a few nights a week. Dec 2020 I had a few bad bad drinking episodes and stopped completely for 4 months. Had some bourbon maple syrup by mistake and it triggered really bad cravings I was unable to control. I fell off the wagon and just now attempting to get back on the sober train, yet again. I will be avoiding foods made with alcohol this time around. I learn something new with each failed sobriety attempt. I’ll be 49 in August. My youngest son’s father was 49 when alcoholism took his life. I can’t let it take me too.


@PlantLady19 I think admitting to myself that I’m going overboard was my first hurdle… unable to reach my full potential because of a post weekend Binge, recovering for 3 days was depressing… once recovered and then doing it all over again can become a viscous cycle

Stay strong @ChristineCarol you can do this !! It weird how everyone’s triggers are different hey… mine is only over the weekend when socializing with people

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Yes me too it’s so stupid I have a good life too why do we do it ???

I will go out one night the next day drink through my hangover and then every day after I will drink less and less so then I feel okay then wtf is that about !!! :frowning:

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