Once a weekend alcohol binge

Living a balanced life during the week and then Bing drinking every Saturday…

Where am I in life ? Is this okay ? Is this a problem?

Doing it for 10 years


If your questioning if it’s a problem… It probably is. I was more of an everyday drinker… But still a very functioning alcoholic. I’m sure others here have experienced your patterns and will be able to offer more insight. I have read a lot about the negative health effects of binge drinking even if it’s not an everyday act. I’m glad that you’re here and trying to make the best choices for yourself :heart:


You coming here & asking makes me think you feel it’s a problem…

Here’s my take as i started out as a weekender and then had a massive life change and said to myself "why am I doing this only on the weekends? " i can do this every day…

When drinking becomes deliberate–meaning for effect and done long enough, alcoholic type drinking will ensue.

Hope this sheds some light. Welcome to TS!


Binge drinking and then waking up in a depressive a anxious state for the next 2 to 3 days is just not worth one heavy night of drink

In a perfect world I would like to drink socially and be home at a reasonable time and still wake up the following day without a major hangover still being able to do something productive

However… 1, 2,3 drinks leads to a bottle


Yep in a perfect world being able to drink socially would be great… But I can’t. I can’t just have one. I’m pretty sure we’re all the same here, (but I’m not speaking for others)
The moment I accepted the fact that I was an alcoholic I actually felt a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. It’s acceptance and knowing that it’s not necessarily me but my addiction and my brain chemistry. I tried to have the mindset basically that I’m allergic to alcohol and I just can’t have it at all. … But I don’t think too far ahead. Like @Dazercat would say…“I’m not drinking today, and I’m probably not drinking tomorrow”.
That has saved me so many times (thanks Eric) Thinking of not drinking forever is just too scary. There’s been moments I thought I was going to give in when I told myself " just make it through tonight and if you really want to drink tomorrow you can"… I have never regreted not drinking… But I always regret when I do! (And just a note that it didn’t start out as every day for me… I’m 43 and for the last 10 years it’s been almost every day but before that it was just whenever I drank I always overdid it… It seemed to be that way from the very start- but I didn’t drink everyday in the very beginning)


It terrified me :scream:
Thanks for the shout out Miranda. :pray:t2::heart::cactus:
Appreciate it.


This probably isn’t helpful, but I don’t know.

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Put it this way, if alcohol was invented today it would most likely be illegal.

I don’t drink because of the way it makes me feel, what it does to my body and because I have an addictive mind, all those combines with alcohol to make a huge giant mess.

You got to make sure you’re doing the right thing for you.


Story of my life just a few days ago.


Thanks for this esponse, instead of quitting all together is trying to maybe drink socially and a controlled amount not worth trying to achieve?

Currently it’s the quantity on the 1 day I do decide to drink and not the frequency


Correct, talking openly to people about it can really leave room for harsh judgement

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Welcome to the community. It is safe here, lots of people here just like you with the same questions and concerns.


Welcome ! Just taking time to stop and think about it is a great idea. For myself I understand that I am an alcoholic. I would suggest maybe try and see if you could only have a few drinks on a Saturday instead of drinking heavily. If you are able to maintain that boundry then it is very possible you may not have a problem. For myself I am unable to do this no matter how sincere I am and no matter how hard I try. I think for most of us that identify as alcoholic this is the key. Hope that may help a little.


I started listening to an audiobook “This Naked Mind” Alcohol Control by Annie Grace. I’ve only listened to the first few chapters but so far it’s been very insightful. She breaks down alcohol use into unconscious learned behaviors. She also addresses how “quitting” alcohol can be difficult for people because it creates a mindset of abstinence, of “not having”, of “not doing”. The hard line of never drinking alcohol again is scary and overwhelming. I would suggest checking it out!




At the very least it’s a health problem. I would suggest just trying a 30 day sober challenge and see how you feel. Welcome to the form :slightly_smiling_face:


Today, it’s Saturday… I’m watching TV, feel like being social and getting out, it’s when boredom strikes is when I feel triggered

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I spent a lot of time walking outdoors, on home projects, and working out when i first quit… i still do all of those things 2.5 years later, you’re probably more social than i am though.


1 is too many and 1000 is never enough. I have to just stay sober today. When I wake up I just have to take care of that day and so forth. The concept of never drinking again was too much to rap my head around. It took me a LONG time to get through my head “one day at a time” If youve ever drank on a day you swore to yourself you wouldnt… welcome to the club. Cool thing is, you are not alone. I commend you for reaching out.


Hello proof of life, how are you :slight_smile: thank you for that message !
I just made it through the weekend, which is my only trigger days, hooraayyy lol! Felt amazing today