Recently came out of treatment, with one relaspe but continued going to meetings and have no desire to use. Taking it one day at a time, trying to find a home group but at the moment just trying to make it to the right meetings. I’ll keep coming back!
Welcome to the team, @Lexii2025, glad you found us. What recovery program are you doing, if I may ask?
Welcome to the community. ODAAT is a great way to work your recovery. A good support system is also vital in my opinion. Great to have you here with us. Hope to see you around
Welcome! I commend you on coming this far, it is a struggle but it gets so much easier with time. ODAAT is a way I live now… even with 3 months… its just ODAAT and it comforts me knowing that I am not alone in the same struggle.
Welcome. We are here for you.
How are you doing?
Welcome Lexie.
Keep going back.
My last few meetings have been all about just showing up. Just keep coming back. I moved and I’ve actually been enjoying checking out different meetings since they all have a different flare. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. Just show up and listen. And don’t pick up! When you’re ready join in.
I hope you find a great home group.
And this is a great place for support. Like a meeting in your pocket. There’s always someone around.
NA, going to meetings, on my way to finding a home group and making my network hopefully a sponsor in the future. But everything is working out the way it should be so far just taking it one day at a time ( one second at a time).
Keep that positive attitude and keep coming back. Know that people care about you.
That took me some time to get as well…check out the TS slang/abbreviations thread for some others that may be helpful