One Month and A Book Review

I’m not sure how many others who’ve had drinking problems gain motivation from sobriety books but I sure do.

I celebrated three weeks by finishing off this book I started during my last 2 month dry spell. I now have a month and a day so I’m grateful for that and the clarity it brings.

Anyway I highly recommend this book. Here’s my review:

“This was an intriguing and very personal journey to sobriety for the author. For me it struck a nice balance between personal quest, medical research and sociological commentary on the role alcohol plays in society. There are moments of humour tempered with humility without being preachy. There are also a broard range of ways to explore sobriety discussed throughout the book for the sober curious like myself. Overall this book was a pleasant suprise.”

If you have any book recommendations in a similar vein please let me know.


That’s awesome! There’s a good collection of books here:

Resources for our recovery


Great book!! I enjoyed it a lot.