One Week-I made it!

Today, as I was sitting in my quiet classroom, I realized that I was more clear minded that I have been in years! I then realized, my pants are a bit roomy now. There are still some bigger social issues my depression wants to push to the forefront-which has often triggered a quick relapse-but I didn’t let it.
Thank you for this space.


Congratulations on your sober days.
dancing penguin


Nice going, remember it’s all about the journey, the moment we pick up our last ‘whatever’ we are immediately at the destination. Now we learn to grow along the way.


Welcome to the community and great work on your 1 week milestone :muscle:

Keep taking care of yourself and pushing forward. Make sure to surround yourself with support (in real life and here or other recovery sites). Take it odaat and remember that the crappy feelings will not last :pray:

Great to have you here with us - hope to see you around


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Congratulations on your sober days :tada: Keep cherishing these moments, there a lot more like this to come.

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Well done!!! I will be there in another 4 days… Nipping on your heels :wink:

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Yes, happy for you!!!

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