Online support groups

Can anyone recommend online support groups that they’ve attended that they enjoyed preferably for na?

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Id like to know this too.

I really like intherooms. They have several different groups. The one I like best is for women in recovery and not specific to an addiction or disorder.

NA zoom meeting, no password. Very friendly lot. although I am an alcoholic my sponsor put me in a few other meetings to see for myself that the drug we use is irrelevant the problem is us but TBH I would have kept going to this meeting but NA don’t do the 12 steps the same as AA or CA. Be open minded bc I know other addicts that prefer the AA way and say NA make it to complicated. Ultimately do what you feel suits you more but that aside the meetings are very good.


that’s UK time.:point_up:

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Hey it will be my first time doing it can you talk me through how it will work? Do i download zoom?

install the zoom app, set up a few things like what you want to be known as and a photo if you feel like it. Press join meeting and enter that code, some meetings need a password but I’m pretty sure this one doesn’t. you will then be connected. you can choose to have your sound and video on or you can turn them both off and just watch and listen. If you can’t wait until that day Google for more meetings. I do have a code for a 24 hour meeting but that’s more for alcoholics but if you want that code so you can have a little practice I’m more than happy to post it on here for you.

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if you are in a meeting that allows open sharing (bc they vary and some will be book studies or one person talking about their experience and hope) Press the little dots at the bottom right of your screen and raise your virtual hand, you will then be in a queue and be invited to share. This is for a phone not a laptop BTW.

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I think i may give it a go this thursday ive never done it before so might be a real big helpfor me, thankyou!

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cool, what’s your drug of choice

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Its codiene i was on

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Yeah NA will be good for you, its for any mind altering substance :+1:I hope you get something out of it. I never used to go to meetings but I wouldn’t have it any other way now. Wish you well on your journey.

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I agree with @Squirt, has a variety of meetings. I’ve attended a few na meetings on there and they were good. I do prefer the meetings for woman in recovery though.

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