Only 2nd day and already making up excuses

I’m already thinking that I can drink in moderation again but I know that there’s absolutely no way. I want to stay strong for my husband and for my daughter. The thought of something bad happening to my daughter while I’m drunk is really what’s keeping me from just driving to the liquor store.

Only on my second full day, just looking for some motivation. I’ve been trying to get sober for months now and I really want this to be the last time.


Key is distraction in early days. Comfort yourself with hot showers, warm tea, soft blankets. What brings you comfort and is healthy for you?


Watching a good movie or binging a TV show but then again I also enjoyed drinking while doing those things as well so it’s hard to distract myself. I just keep watching my daughter sleep and remember the mom I want to be for her and hope this continues to give me the strength I need


Yes I second that on distraction! Hobbies, books, walks, tv shows, anything! Stay busy.
These early days are TOUGH, and the mind will say all kind of crap to you. Finding some quit lit may also be helpful (I have read a few things but the last one I read this time around and really liked was allen cars easyway…its a vefy simple read and simple ideas around sobriety…the name defs sounds cheesy but its an interesting and simple take on quitting).
Come on here everday, read and post several times a day if you need it!
Make yourself a list of triggers. Then make yourself a list of things that can help you to avoid or deal with thosd triggers. I was batshit terrified something bad would happen to me or one of my children whdn i was drinking, and then whdn I did drink the guilt and shame was crippling. YOU CAN DO THIS. Those first 2 weeks are all about staying busy and OUT of your head as much as you can. Connect with others on here or in real life, and just take it one minute at a time. Give yourself some comfort too…have some nice snacks, good food and get yourself LOTS of nice drinks to sip on (soda’s, juice, tea - whatever it is that would help!). I know for me I REALLY craved sugar and I gave in around that in the beginning. I always always had a drink of bubbly water going and if there is any alcohol in the house get rid of it or have your husband hide anything he has at least for the time being. Xo. You can do this and we got your back!


Hang in there . The very early days can be full of lots of internal arguments. Like already suggested distractions and keeping busy are key. My go to’s right now are exercise, reading, colouring while watching tv and puzzles. In the first month sparkling water and chocolate got me through lots of the cravings . But most importantly just don’t let that inner addict voice win. You can do this. Take it moment by moment if you need to.


Thank you :heart::heart:

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I am already on coca-cola number 2 for the night :rofl:

Thank you, I needed this!


You already know you can’t do moderation or you wouldnt be here with us…
You’ll crave sugar in the early weeks of sobriety let yourself have some as its less harmful than alcohol!
Remember HALT and try making a list of reasons you need to stop and put it somewhere prominent, next to a pic of your daughter to remind you why you’re on this journey …


If i stay sober tonight i will have 20 days tomorrow, so ill share a few things that worked to get me this far:

  • give up control and just do what all these people on here andor in AA meetings if they appeal to you) tell you to do whether you want to or not
  • AA meetings helped me, even sometimes just to take up an hour of time sober
  • accountability: i recommend with people on here and at least one person in real life who will ask about your sobriety and celebrate the small milestones with you
  • treat yo self!
  • my cravings usually last about 20 minutes (there is science on cravings that is very interesting) so i have a list of things i must do all of before i drink like check in here, eat, meditate, nap, mmake tea, call a friend or my grandma, call the AA hotline, zoom AA meeting etc. I have never gotten to the end of the list and still wanted a drink
  • distraction FOR SURE

You can do it!!


This is so inspiring, thank you!!!


This is so helpful, thank you for sharing!

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I would say do some focused recovery work every day. Read a chapter of quit lit, listen to a podcast, attend (irl or online) a meeting of your choice, then journal or post here about how it relates to you. You really have to live and breathe recovery until it becomes part of you.


What great advice - thank you @SarahBear I’m stealling this and making a “Before I drink I do” list! I have not needed one so far as I live by the AA ideology that you can do anything for 24 hours but I think that would be a great back up option. You never know when the craving is strong and you need an extra strength tool!


The early days are rough. Embrace them, each craving you beat makes your sobriety muscles stronger. Only worry about today and stay in the moment. You can do this because a lot of us have AND It’s 1,000,000% worth it or we wouldn’t have stayed sober.

We’re all here with the same goal, staying sober for today. Best wishes to you.


Maybe try a AA meeting they will help and you can meet new like minded people, they worked for me kept me sober since 1986 . wish you well


How are you today?


I’m ending day 6! I am doing okay but of course the cravings are here. Having a bottle of wine just sounds so easy and simple to do right now. I can’t get to a virtual AA meeting right now as I’ll be home alone with my daughter for most of the night which is the exact motivation I need to get through. My issue is once I put my daughter to bed, I have a half hour or so until my husband gets home so that is typically when I would prepare the drinking so that by the time he got home, I would be able to start.

I don’t have any alcohol in the house right now but my alcoholic self discovered that you can DoorDash wine, which was what I would do in that time period awaiting my husband’s return typically.

I am determined that once I put my daughter to bed, I’m going to completely dive into quit lit book that actually has done a great job at making me hate alcohol haha.

The crave isn’t winning tonight either!!


Glad to hear you are sober. Stay strong…not sure if you have funds to waste but Door Dash is expensive in my world. Motivation enough not to order from them.

Yeah it’s definitely not the greatest use of my funds so that is also another good motivator to NOT do it. I’m determined to get to double digits and then triple digits. My daughter is my ultimate reason :heart: