Open Bar Wedding

8 days sober today. Going to a wedding tonight with a lot of heavy drinkers and an open bar. I have to go and not planning on staying long, but worried I’ll fall into peer pressure when there.


Hi @Jstep Welcome to ts Have a get out of the reception free card on hand , call someone when you feel the urge to drink and don’t let yourself think you can have just one .come back on here later and share how it has gone that way you are holding yourself accountable good luck :heart:


You really absolutely positively 100% sure you cannot cancel? Staying sober might be life or death. Your choice. Your life.

When you decide to go, have a plan to escape. When you experience pressure or crave a drink, leave. Have a friend to call. Or friends. Come here and post. There will be people around to help. Drink lots of water. Discuss your sobriety with as many people as possible. But better don’t go. This is life or death.


I agree with @Mno do you really need to go, your sobriety needs to come first


Thank you for the advice! All week I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself. I know the hardest part will be avoiding a glass of champagne because one glass doesn’t sound harmful, but I know if I have one that I’ll want to keep drinking. I like your idea of posting here later as a point of accountability. I have a few people to reach out to for support on speed dial too. Thanks for the words of encouragement :heart:


Your welcome sounds like you have a positive sober plan in place :slightly_smiling_face: keep a glass of the orange juice in your hand at all times, and tell the champagne server your really trying not to drink and for them to tell the other servers that speak later I’ll be here all night :ok_hand::heart::kissing_heart:


Hi @Jstep . Thank you for sharing. I have the same problem when I am in a situation where everybody drinks because it’s a tradition or a local custom.

The best way is to cancel. That’s what I would do. and you don’t necessarily have to justify, actually.

If you think you can’t avoid it because you have a role to play in this, my go-to phrase is “no”. Usually it’s enough. The more you explain yourself, the more you give to other to drive a wedge in your own convictions.

If you want to accompany your “no” with an explanation, you can always say “no, I am taking a medication”.

And you stop there. No further explanation. We have a tendency to give more data than few when we are under pressure. It does not have to be that way


Thank you for this! One of my insecurities going tonight is explaining myself. Being told I don’t have to explain my reason is more helpful than you know right now :sparkling_heart:


You’re welcome. I stopped explaining myself.


It’s a tough spot to be in early sobriety. If you absolutely must go I would keep it short. Keep a bottle of water or some other drink in your hand. If asked why you’re not drinking or leaving early just say you’re not feeling well and on antibiotics (if you feel you need to provide a reason). We’ll see you here later for support, or tomorrow celebrating 9 days of sobriety :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thank you so much for the supporting words and advice :heart: I survived the night with sobriety intact :raised_hands: I had a supportive friend that didn’t drink with me. Between this chat and friends, I had a great support system.

Nearly every person asked why I wasn’t drinking, which bogged me down. But I took chats advice and didn’t explain or justify myself. Thanks for the support :pray:


Congratulations, so glad it went well/you(r sobriety) survived! :muscle:


Yay!!! So happy you kept your sobriety. Well done!!! :smiley:

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You did well, well done.

I bet it was nice to wake up with satisfaction and another day sober instead of waking up with regrets and potentially having ruined someone’s wedding (and your own experience of the day).

There will always be non alcoholic options at these events, for example for women who are pregnant or for people on medication, it for people who just do not like to drink. The idea of “having” to get drunk at a celebration bewilders me.


Early days just be careful glad it went ok