Opiate withdrawal after 5 months of sobriety

So I relapsed after 5 months of sobriety and my reason for doing so was gym closures. The gym was my drug it was my solitude so when they closed them down I knew I was in trouble. This relapse lasted just about 4 months until 2 days ago when I just couldn’t do it anymore. Anyway you think I would like withdrawal as I go through them enough. Anyway I’m back on track and doing the withdrawal shit again so I guess that’s a positive but what a set back. I usually don’t post but felt I needed to. Thanks for reading

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Glad you’re back, David. The withdrawal piece sucks, but no doubt you’ll be in a much better place on the other side. So, how do you combat this from happening again? Resistance bands, your own weights? If we prepare in advance and get our safety net in place we’re able cope with whatever comes our way. Feel better soon.

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That’s a poor excuse. Did you come on here and ask what everyone else was doing about the gym closures? No, you haven’t posted since January. If you wanted sobriety bad enough, you would have reached out. You obviously weren’t done yet. Hopefully, this time around your serious about it.


It’s whatever you say it is lol. I did everything I could to buy weights but everywhere you look was fucking sold out. I don’t need weight training advice from you fuck I’m sure that answer would have been jogs around block, push ups etc. Not sure if you realize this but once you have had an actual weight program that fucking works and your peaking out nothing but free weights work. Anyway this is why I don’t post because don’t want dumb fuck answers. Anyway I will delete post and hopefully in future watch that fucking attitude until you know the whole story

I certainly enjoy exercise, but it’s definitely not my recovery plan. I choose to address the reasons why I drank and used to begin with. I hate heroin withdrawal and do not want to go through that shit again.


Same here buddy I also hate them but am not afraid, not anymore at least. As much as I hate them I try my hardest to think of them as some sort of rebirth. I use because I feel good that’s really it. A good pump can keep myself sober for eternity. The pump, the blood rushing, and the endorphins are incredible. I didn’t see a covid outbreak happening or would have found alternative weights before they were all sold out.

Bud don’t get mad at Lisa bc she called you out on the truth. You know it was a poor exuse otherwise you wouldnt get mad at her for saying it. I’m a avid lifter myself, just started getting really good into my program, and geuss what happened my fucking work shut down the gym. It fucked my whole schedule up, I’ve had two days of wanting to ruin my sobriety. I almost did fuck it up, but geuss what I didn’t bc I didn’t want to use my lifting as a poor exuse to start drinking and drugging. Regardless of weights you could of found other shit to do,you chose to get fucked up.


What’s the whole story? The gym closed and you used it as an excuse. If there’s more, let’s hear it. You never reached out on this forum which tells me you didn’t want to be stopped.


We relapse because we want to get high. Glad you came back. Lots of people don’t make it back. Something to think about while you feel like shit. Learn and move forward.


I’m sorry u relapsed, but the gyms closing is not the whole story. Life will throw u challenges, admittedly Corona is a tough one, but u gotta take them on sober. Sending strength to get over withdrawals, and then get working on a sobriety plan that lets u withstand challenges.

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Ya it’s been shitty on everyone. I appreciate all the negative bullshit being posted but my post was written to call myself out without others having to be rude. So I relapsed I got back up on the horse. I’m glad you guys have never relapsed that’s really awesome.

Thank you for the only productive post. There won’t be a next time I got weights at home now plus if I have a craving I’ve some great sober friends I can contact.

Not being negative. Pick yourself up get back to it. Yes you kept yourself accountable by calling yourself out. I’ve relapsed ugh fuck idk prob like 500 times lol, I’m coming up on 8 months and almost ruined it Saturday night. We’re never safe

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Why the fuck are you responding if can’t accept a failed plan that led to a relapse? Have you never relapsed? Anyway I like this app a lot and tend to read a lot more than post to avoid exactly what this post has turned into shitty response to starting this process over without judgement. Thanks

Nope, never relapsed. My recovery plan consists of more than a gym.

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Thats not really fair, this forum isn’t the end all be all, you make it sound as though if someone didn’t come here they’re at fault, comes off pretty judgemental. Dudes here now looking for support moving forward, not shaming.

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That’s fortnite and very impressive. I get that a gym and lifting is a joke to you but there are many who need that for sobriety. You might need 10 things to keep your ass sober but I don’t I need one and you do realize they shut down with no real notice and said would be open in 2 weeks, then 3, but never happened. I was sober through all of this and showing up on every failed reopen.

Congratulations on 8 months, very cool. Anyway keep up the good work I know it is not easy.

Boredom and isolation really fucked with me too. Takes a bit to get used to the silence but so good when you don’t feel like you have to get lit. Hugs brother!

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I never said this forum is the end all be all. When you rely on 2 things to keep you sober (forum and gym) and one of them is no longer available you should turn to your next option.

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