Yeah tapering down can help break the behavioral chains of smoking. I got the point where I was down to one to two times of using tobacco per day to slow withdrawal.
Tapering made it easier to deal with stopping when I decided to do it.
It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!
You can’t do anything to make your partner stop. All you can do is focus on your own quitting process and hopefully be an example for others.
Last month, I got a reminder from my quit smoking app that I had gotten a 3 year award. It had been so long since I had any cravings that I had forgotten. The time just flies.
It gets easier. I still get cravings but they don’t send me into that state of agitation. I can recognise them and move on.
Have you tried any nicotine replacement? Or had a look at what stop smoking stuff is available through your GP?
I must say my feelings about not smoking is more of a grudging acceptance rather than being particularly happy about it But I was away with a smoker at the weekend and it reminded me of how much more free you are without. Not having to duck out for a smoke at every opportunity and all that.
Thank you, that’s really kind of you But I think it’s just one of those things. Going to grab a book and go to bed. And try and wake up for yoga in the morning!
Yes I have tried every type of NRT and vaping, cant seem to get a handke of it. But I’m doing SMART training online and its giving me so new ideas on addressing it. I cant wait for the day I’m not a slave to nicotine, it serves no purpose but to keep my addicted.
Not saying quitting smoking has made my life all rose’s smells and moonshine (Dutch expression), it has given me a sense of empowerment and self esteem. To really get over the feeling you’re missing something takes quite a while. Somebody told me early in my quit take 1 year for every 10 years smoked to really be over it. I think indeed for me that’s pretty accurate. 4 Years quit and nothing in me that ever wants to go back now. One of the best decisions I took in my life was to quit smoking. Also gave me a lot of tools to beat alcohol too now BTW. Have a better day tomorrow friend.