Outpatient Treatment info

Im interested in outpatient treatment as I work full time and I’m a mom. How does it work? How do I get information on this? Does it have to be a local place or are there online options? Thank you for any info!

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Good for you for wanting to seek help!
I’m not familiar with online treatment, but I’ll share what I did. I’m located in the US and called my heatth insurance carrier for information. They gave me options for outpatient treatment in my area. I then went for an assessment and from there I started going 4 days a week for treatment. I also work full-time and I’m a mom. I did maintain working even though they suggested I go on disability. I went after work at night and Saturdays. After about a month, they reduced me to 3 nights a week, then down to 2. It was a challenge to manage family and work at the same time but I knew it was only a temporary situation. Totally worth it for the long term benefits it brought to my sober life.
Wishing you the best on your journey.