Over-eating to replace Alcohol

It doesn’t matter is 4 days or 4 years, there is times I have thoughts about drinking, but I prefer to jump on my window, because I’m tired of 30 years of being miserable, really bad father and son. I want peace, so alcohol is in one corner and I I’m in the other, there’s no excuses to drink, if you want to really stop you are in the right place. Find a sponsor.

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It is a struggle! The same happens to me. I have been enjoying my icre cream in the evenings,and plenty of candy. I would never let myself eat ice cream while drinking. I have still managed to lose weight! Alcohol have a lot of empty calories.
I have been drinking more liquid to keep from munching too much. Coffee, caffeine free hot tea at night, hot chocolate, orange juice, water, and lots of sparkling water. Fruit helps too, and less filling than candy.
Painting my nails and exercise helps too.


It absolutely is a struggle.

My weights been constant for months and suddenly it’s going up and up. Most frustrating.

I’ve been consciously hemming myself in a bit for the last 3 days and reducing the chocolates, chips etc… so hopefully it will start panning out a bit, if I keep the momentum.

As if I don’t have enough to worry about changing bad habits, now it’s the weight too…


I keep telling myself just breathe… And drink your water because you are doing this…

And these things too shall pass. Strongs ladies.


Thank you! @mleclaire :heart:

Thank you so much! @Bubonicphoniks

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More liquids and ice cream sound great! Thank you @Daphnecat


Awesome advice. Thank you so much for your encouragement and positive perspective. Congrats on 12 days! @Andy68 :heart:

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You’re welcome :wink:

Super common, especially with sugary foods. Eating sweets causes your brain to release dopamine, which is the reward-based chemical that makes you feel good. And, since drinking alcohol can have the same effect. There are studies proving sugar affects many of the same neural pathways in the brain as alcohol does. See? Normal :grin:

I personally kept the jelly bean industry in business for about 6-8 months :joy:

Congrats on your sobriety, and don’t worry. It should pass soon. Just be cognizant of it so that it doesn’t become a longtime thing.

Oh! And sometimes I’ll get berries and put Splenda or honey on them to kill a sweet craving.

I’ll feel like a bonehead if you are not craving sweets, but similar concept. Congrats on your decision to get sober. Welcome!!

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It’s normal for lots of folks in early sobriety. My first month I ate like a horse, especially pasta. I walked an hour a day sometimes 90 minutes while listening to my favorite podcasts, and eventually my appetite normalized.

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@Girlinterrupted JELLY BEANS yum! Lol. Thank you so much for your positive feedback. :heart: I’m 6 days in and starting to get a grip on the cravings I think, but I don’t plan to make myself feel guilty if I go running back to a pack of OREOS.


Awesome! @Yoda-Stevie

You’re right! I’m getting better with my water intake as well. Thank you! :heart: @planchette

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