Overflow of emotion

Hello :wave:. I’m back…

Tomorrow will be three weeks. I have been so so angry over the past couple of weeks. Like I cannot control my emotions. I can’t pin it to anything specific…I did have a particularly intense acupuncture session a couple weeks ago and my emotions have just exploded ever since. I think the acupuncturist may have also done a bit of nerve damage to my foot, which hurts at times. Clogged energy?!? I am angry everyday, at everything…my partner, my work, myself. The past, the future.

It’s starting to impact multiple aspects of my life. I just can’t seem to control it. And, if I’m being really honest, I find myself being jealous of other people’s happiness. I struggle to be happy for them. I am happier when things are going wrong for them. Which I know is so awful and evil, which makes me even more angry at myself. I don’t know why I’m so bitter and resentful. But I want to be truthful. And this is how things are at the moment.

I’m also anaemic and since finding out I now notice how tired I am all the time. Everything feels like a struggle. Like I have enough energy to just about complete my working day, then everything else is a chore. I have to push myself to do things.

Im sad and tired and angry :pensive:.


Well done for being honest! That is appreciated here.

Sitting with these emotions without using is part of recovery. Feelings come from thoughrs. Challenge your thoughts of anger. They are coming up from your unconscious. Learn the zen of asking why and from where. Of changing your thoughts.


Proud of you for being honest. I can relate to some of your negative thoughts. You have the power to investigate and make changes accordingly. Early sobriety brings up alot of emotions. Keep processing to get thru it. Hey sometimes just getting thru the day is enough.

We’re here for you


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I’m definitely going to take the weekend to explore these feelings and ride the wave. Thank you :pray: x


I had lots of mood swings right after I quit drinking and some not so nice thoughts for people who dared to be near me. They do even out.
Give yourself a bit of grace, you are feeling all the stuff that addiction buried. You’re healing!