Panic attacks keep comming

Hooray!!! So happy for you. Huge relief.

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So so SO glad all your tests are good. I’m thinking of you and sending you good vibes!!

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You are very welcome.

I totally understand why you feel that way… I do hope it helps relieve a bit of your stress!! ((Hugs))

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Have been there also. Hang in there and you’re going to be fine!
Trust in the One who created you! :pray:

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What’s the next step Steve? I appreciate healthcare’s expensive, but you can’t carry on like this - it’s wearing you down!

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Steve, the last thing you’re doing here is making a fool of yourself. But you do need help, professional help. Can you get to see a drink and drugs Counsellor? A psychiatrist, as you mentioned earlier?
Something’s up and you need to get to the bottom of it asap.

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Hey Steve, I’m sorry your struggling. It’s good that you’re proactive about being solutions oriented about your disposition. That takes a lot of courage. Have you thought about getting your adrenals checked out? Anxiety can be linked to adrenal fatigue. Maybe there is a blockage there. Don’t give up on getting to the bottom of your Anxiety. Anxiety is very debilitating and makes it hard to be positive and experience life. Praying for you.


Some times anxiety and panic attacks Come long after a periode that was hard, scary, traumatic, stressfull etc. And somthing triggerd somthing in your mins or so, and triggered it.

This happed for me, I had my first panic attack last year, I was sure I was dying. After this it gave so much anxiety every Day and every nigth. The worst time of my life. And I could not understand why, everything in my life was good.

But I found out this was a reaction of a death of my parent, witch I never Grieved, because I needed to be strong and did not allow my self.

Maybe somthing you dont think about migth have trigged it?

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Just thinking Steve, when I was at the peak of my coke habit I developed an irregular heart rhythm. Very unnerving. Might be worth having a look into it. Here’s some of the symptoms from the Mayo Clinic:

  • A fluttering in your chest
  • A racing heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • A slow heartbeat (bradycardia)
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Fainting (syncope) or near fainting.
    I didn’t realise my heartbeat was irregular, scary stuff though. Didn’t get much sleep either.
    Easily solved (eventually) with the right medication.
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The low vitamin D can make your Anxiety and panic attacks, all your mentally healt worse. Get them good up. That help alot for me🙂


Checking things off the list like you’re doing with all the medical tests are huge. My wife encouraged me to do the same when I had really bad anxiety after I started sobriety. I’m still having issues but they’re passing and I seem to be on track. What did the trick (still ongoing) was a massage and acupuncture. Acupuncture seems to be the real healer and the massage is just relaxing. The acupuncture therapist is so much more knowledgeable than I ever gave that field credit for! Unreal. I highly recommend. I’ve had 2 sessions so far and my tight chest, breathing issue has improved tremendously! First session I had relief for a solid 3-4 days and this week I haven’t had any real issur yet at all (on day 5). She said everyone is different but it should continue to improve a little more each time, then just have a session every now and then for maintenance.

Another thing she advised me to do was to take Magnesium Glycinate supplements. Apparently we don’t get enough of that from our food these days and it plays a huge part in our nervous system. It also has a slight calming effect (natural, not like drugs) that some swear it helps them sleep. I am not the type of person to seek help like this, holistically speaking, but I was so desperate I figured why not? I’m so blown away on what it has seemed to do for me so far. Blown away! I encourage you to give it a try.