PAWS? (Post acute withdrawal symptoms)

So I am on 32 days sober, and am noticing more intense migraines. I have just looked up PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms) and have heard they can last up to a year or more… Anyone else dealing with these?


Hmm. I’ve been battling a borderline migraine all day :persevere: I try not to take much OTC medication to be nicer to my body but today I had to, and it didn’t even touch it! I’ve been blaming it on the full moon bc, my whole life, anytime I got a headache it almost always was a full moon.

I’ve never really looked into PAWS before, but it does make sense. While I was drinking I very rarely got headaches. Not even with hangovers. I’m 8.5 months sober and feel like I’ve had more headache days than not. I actually hope PAWS is the cause bc that means they might go away eventually🤞

All in all, these headaches are still much more manageable than being hungover every single day so I’m just gonna put up with them in hopes they get sorted out. I hope yours do too :heart:


PAWs yes, but without headaches. In my experience, it was fairly mild and pretty much went away after a few months. It came in random waves, each incident less intense than the previous.

Sudden migraines can be serious, if it’s a new thing, def get checked out by a doc.


I don’t really have headaches, but I’m still very tired. Like full body tired, and having trouble finding the energy to do extra things other than work and meetings.


there are lots of sharings and some good threads on PAWS, you can look it up in the search function