People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Beautiful :heart:

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Almost certain that bloom will be this coming week. My prediction of March 14 could really be a bullseye.

To the moon!

My tiny lemon tree has also grown several dozen of these flower buds over the past month, just waiting for an explosion of color.


My beauty Hoya Carnosa got a new home last night. I finally got my library/zen den organized and there was the perfect corner in this bright room for it to live. Indirect bright light on sunny mornings. Hoyas do well in lots of different conditions and I hope it doesn’t mind the change from more direct to indirect light. But I think it looks perfect there. I need to get its tendrils untangled and wound around the hanging rope I made for it as they fell down while moving it - they’re so heavy! I think everyone has found their home for the season, looks very happy and has had growth spurts already as spring arrives. I have space for more if I want!


Looks super peaceful. A nice reading space. :relieved:


So glad I camè across this topic! We were literally at the greenhouse yesterday looking for a couple more houseplants. I was looking to find a nice Jade to grow alongside my sobriety. I used to have a beautiful one at my office but came in one moring to find it had been knocked on the floor by the cleaning staff the night before. It never recovered. Have been wanting another since. :grin:


Butt Watch

Gordita Watch




That looks fantastic! So bright and open. The green of your plant babies really pop out. Great work!

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I got this White Anne about a month ago and it has been thriving nicely. :purple_heart:

I recently learned about these little sticky traps that are for plant pests. I’ve put them in all my pots in case I have pest that I haven’t noticed but so far none have appeared on the sticky surface.

I’ve dealt with pests in the past from time to time in the past. I was not always the most diligent with inspecting plants I wanted before bringing them home as I am now. I didn’t grow up with plants in the home, so the idea that I could buy a plant with bugs was something I had to learn the hard way. :sweat_smile:


Thank you! I’m pleased with the progress.

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I have those sticky traps, too! I had a fungus gnat problem years ago and bought them but they come in such large packs that I have tons left over. Glad I figured out how to prevent/control the gnat issue since then.

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Pests are definitely the worst. I used to have a large money tree, but it got infested after I brought home a new plant and it never truly recovered. :cry:

That’s one.
Whole greenhouse smells lovely.


The sheer energy to bloom that way! And twice at that!


I’ve only had that once at home, and it was weeks of patiently watering in a very controlled way, then drying out topsoil as well as I could, swatting tiny gnats all the time… What is your method to prevent and control, @RosaCanDo?

For sure. She got an extra bit of water over the weekend, she was going saggy from exerting so much energy!

Big part of why the flowers only bloom once and then die. The one that opened will wilt away by lunchtime.

What a beautiful flower!

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I have N E V E R seen a flower on La Gordita survive a 2nd night.

This one on the left, has.
I guess she was waiting on her sister :slight_smile:


So gorgeous. I hope my cactus bloom this year. It being England, it might be August :rofl::rofl:


She’s a beautiful beast :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Regarding weather - it was interesting to see the effect of the greenhouse in my first winter/spring transition since I’ve had it. Gordita’s first bloom usually doesn’t come until late, laaaaaaate March so she was 2 or 3 weeks early!