People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

So beautifull! I like your home :star_struck: :seedling: :herb: :cactus:

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My Alocasia is growing so big! I have to start looking soon for a bigger apartment :rofl:

And again a new leaf is popping out soon.


Wow! Looks so healthy and lush! Gorgeous :heart_eyes: Thanks for the compliment. I like my home, too.

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I love when plants have stories! What a survivor!!!

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I love my babies!


Morning sunbeams in my Zen den. I love this Rex Begonia and Peperomia “baby rubber plant” Obtusifolia. Actually, I love all my babies, too!


My husband’s is huge too. I love them, they are so gorgeous!


What I did for five hours yesterday…


Good lord, what an absolute unit!


How exciting!!! Look at all the babies!


Thank you!!! Dart frogs are only poisonous in the wild due to their diet. Totally harmless in captivity.
I’ve in a small brick house with very little natural light so I do have several grow lights to compensate. I mainly water with my leftover aquarium water after I do water changes. In the summer with lots of new growth I use a diluted regular plant fertilizer from Home Depot!


Gotta a bit of a shock when l was scrolling down and read “My husband’s is huge too!”

I thought, look out! The mods ‘ll be straight onto that one!

Is that Elephants Ear? I didn’t think you could keep that inside, but why not l guess?!


Mmm,nice! Monstera Deliciosa,my dear?

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How fascinating!

I just thought frogs were either poisonous or not!

But l guess what they eat comes through their pores? so we can get poisoned by touching them maybe??

So what would a dart frog :frog: have to consume to become toxic to animals / humans??

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Yes, in retrospect my verbiage was not ideal. Lol

That is an Alocasia Dark Star. We got it almost a year ago, with three leaves that were about 24” tall. Needless to say she’s happy. Lol


Amazing and absolutely beautiful. Someday…it’s what I always tell my husband. You think I have lots of plants now? :rofl:

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Yes it is truly gorgeous. She got thrips and I was so scared she was going to die but we got rid of them fast and she’s done well. She is his order and joy for sure.

And I hear you on that…why do you think I’m opening a plant shop?? Lol Cause I needed to be able to take care of more plants! It feeds my soul, it’s so wonderful.


I wish I could come work in your shop for free!!!

You absolutely can come work for free! :grimacing: I got an extra room and everything. Lol


I might, just maybe, be able to get him on board with a short term internship LOL :nerd_face:

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