People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Thanks for the update! So happy to see this!!!

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Just picked up this cutie cause it made me smile.


YES!!! Plants take up part of the monetary whole in my purse that drugs used to.:woman_facepalming:t3:


My little plant baby’s are growing happy together!

@Stellarstella Beautifull :heart_eyes: :star_struck:
@PlantLady19 I realy like your succulents, they look so healthy. I tried to grow them but without the popper equipment its impossible to grow them at my place. But I love them :relaxed:


Omg your FROG!!!


Wow what an incredible terrarium!!

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They are literally in pots with no drainage holes and I water them about once a month. They thrive on neglect it seems. Lol When they were inside they were super leggy but once I put them outside they took off. What region are you in?

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:joy: they are cactus… the Less you care the better they grow?! Once a month…ok I think I gave them to much water. I live in the Netherlands so putting them outside is not an option :sweat_smile:
Maby a heatlamp is an opttion during the cold and dark months… which we have a lot :wink:

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Yes grow light wood be necessary for succulents in that climate for sure. But they definitely need to dry out completely and almost start wrinkling before you water them again. Good luck!


Thank you. Summer I wil try it again :wink:

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Oh Stella, what a wonderful array of plants! The indoor room with the plants is so beautiful :heart_eyes: lt is so lush and …alive, for want of a better word!
Do you use fertiliser on your babies?🪴🪴🪴
If so, what do you use?
The conditions are obviously ideal-not too much direct light,etc.
What is the name of that frog? It’s very beautiful, but l suspect it is also very poisonous??
What part of the world do you live in to have such creatures in your yard?

Thank you for sharing your corner of the globe :heart:

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Here are some of my foliage friends! I was motivated enough for the first time in a long, long time to repot some of my babies.
The energy to do so, l got from not drinking!
The motivation to do so, l got from from my TS family! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Now, how did Miss Daisy🌼 sneak into that little thread of photos?!
I :heart: my cat, don’t get me wrong, but that was NOT intentional! :cat2:


I love when my leafy babies get the afternoon rays.


Wow Rosa, your home is like a cosy cafe!:heart:


Aw, thanks! I’m going to start seeing the living room in my tiny house as a cozy café from now on!


Perfect name.


Hey Rosa, think l just worked out what the big plant to the right is! Tell me if l’m right?

Is it a Hoya by chance? If so, here’s his long lost cousin from Oz :+1::rofl:


Nailed it! It is a Hoya passed down via cuttings from my Mami that she mailed across the country maybe 10 years ago, and she got her cuttings from my grandmother back in the early 80s. A family heirloom plant!

I love yours and how you have it vining up. I need to figure out an appropriate trellis for my giant.


He doesn’t look it, but he’s over 50 years old!

He’s been through a lot- he started life in my sister’s in laws home and was there for more than half of his life. It must be about 25 years ago now, that l rescued him from what was to become a demolition site.

He became quite neglected in his senior years, when he went from being a proud house plant to a leggy fence adornment out in the backyard.

He’s been dug up and replanted many times, he’s gone climbing fences only to be coaxed back down, he’s been pot bound, frost bitten and covered in aphids.

But to me- he’s beautiful, healthy and evergreen! :heart: