People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

That’s an amazing plant.

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He is utterly ridiculous. Lol He barks at the humidifier mist too.

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@LeeHawk @RosaCanDo thanks so much for the follow and compliments! I’m trying so hard, I really appreciate the support!

I went to this woman’s house on Monday and oh my god, it was like a collection of every insanely expensive and rare plant you could find. It was crazy but also so beautiful. Lol I got this gorgeous creature and I love it so much! But if you would have told me a year ago I would happily spend hundreds of dollars on one plant I would have laughed at you. But this is my life now and I love it!


Stunning! That sounds like quite the experience!

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I was speechless, honestly. Lol It’s so interesting to me to see how differently people take to hobbies/passions. I am a collector and enthusiast but not really super into propagating and stuff. She is a huge propagater and it was so interesting to see. I’m hoping to sell some of her stuff in my shop but who knows? I’m not sure how many people around me are into it enough to want to spend $500 or $1000 or $2000 on a plant. But then again, I live in an area full of wealthy people who wouldn’t even register that amount so who knows!

This leaf! Opening already and it’s fenestrated! Such a beautiful plant, I can’t deal.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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I think i missed your IG account, I would love to follow you as well!!

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My shop account is @plantedmonterey I hope you like it!

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So there this little free library and plant stand in one of my neighbors yards. I walked past this little one several times and told myself if it was still there today, it was meant to be. And it was :dizzy::seedling:
So her leaves are ‘pruned’ like you have stayed in the pool too long. Does anyone know how I should take care of her. Lots of sunlight? Less water? More water? Any advice would be so appreciated :green_heart:


They’re pretty easy to take care of.
They like neglect :rofl::rofl:
I been trying to kill my for years. :rofl:


Thanks Eric!
Poisonous to pets?!?

Where do you keep yours??

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It’s locked in the bathroom for now until the weather gets nice.
I got this from “Picture This” it’s an app, of course, about plants. It’s pretty informative. And fun to use when out walking.
Snake plants grow best if their soil dries out completely in between waterings. Overwatering is the most common mistake

Snake plant tolerates shade, drought, and most soil types, making it easy to care for and perfect for growing indoors.


You can probably keep it out side easy enough in Florida. Before I knew it was poisonous I had mine in a window by the kitchen sink. I never noticed anyone nibbling on it. But I’m not taking that chance now that I know better.

They are nice easy starter plants.

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I have so many plants outdoors. Thanks to the previous owners- the only thing I’ve grown outside is herbs. I really want some indoor plants- but they always die :frowning:
I’m worried about Gus getting to it though, so for now it stays outside :slight_smile:

I’m going to download picture this! :green_heart::seedling:

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I just use the free part of the app. I had to figure out how to close out the purchase options that keep popping up. But I found it was worth it. And you can use pics from your phone. You don’t have to use their camera.

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Maybe I should take some pictures and find one that isn’t poisonous to my fur children haha.
It’s so useful!

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Hoyas come in many varieties and are easy to care for AND pet safe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: There are plenty pet safe houseplants, though.

Your snake plant may need water if the soil is completely dry and is wrinkled like you described. If so, a good soaking and then just leave it be. It’s so cute!


The soil was so dry. Like desert dry. I just gave her a drink and she seems happy :green_heart::seedling:
Do I wait till the soil gets dry again or water her daily?

Ps thanks Rosa :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

@PlantLady19 thank you :yellow_heart:


Yeah, she was thirsty then! They’re so resilient though. I would let the soil dry out between watering but not to that desert dry level, just put your finger in the soil an inch or so to check and it should feel mostly dry before you water again. We were taking on the thread earlier about bottom watering, too, which would be a good idea to try. Just set the pot in a tray or dish full of water and the soil will absorb what it needs. This helps promote root growth and prevent root rot. Then once a month or so water thoroughly from the top to flush build up in the soil. We can thank @PlantLady19 Jessica for the suggestion!