The final seedlings have been planted. The rest will be able to start outside next month. Just have to live with no island until then. Cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, green Chile’s, cucumber, squash, honey dew, and watermelon.
Oh wow!!!
Look at all that preparation.
Nice job!!!
This is my little plant corner, my monstera that is living her best life outside since I propagated her beginning of the year, and my fav little booty plant hehe
Happy little sprouts!
Gahhhhh…the 2nd picture gives me the willies!!!
So I ended up propagating this little leggy prayer plant and just putting the cuttings into the soil with the mother plant once the cuttings had some root buds. I was a little leery because the roots didn’t seem very strong even though they had been in water for a looooong time. The plants started to look shitty and needed soil… Now they are thriving!!!
I have started doing this more often and I think it’s a great idea! So glad it’s working for you.
Gorgeous gorgeous. I’ve loved all my life but only this past year had one flower… It’s budding now actually… Aren’t they just so beautiful.
I had no idea that cacti bloomed like that. Just beautiful. They are amazing plants.