People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Everyone is waking up for springtime

You know what growing succulents and cacti has taught me over the years? Imperfection is beauty. Whether the symmetry is ruined by a flower stalk (like in the last photo) or busted leaf, or a chunk is missing, or it’s just a wonky-ass plant – the beauty lies in imperfection and letting these beautiful plants grow as they choose, do what they do.


The third one is my favorite but they are all so pretty. Thanks for sharing :blush:

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I thought that one was a gonner. The outer leaves have been mushy for like a month, I have no idea why. Not overwatering. Could just be pulling in energy for serious growth (that’s what they do, they take water/energy from the outer leaves which die off and then replaced by new inner leaves).

The center is good and firm though, so not too concerned.

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Your succulent game is on point! :heart::cactus:


Thank you! :sunglasses:
I try my best and try to learn about them as much as I can.

Been growing succulents about 7 or 8 yrs, cacti for about 2.

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Thanks for taking us along with you. :clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Also love these! I have many!

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congratulations on your 90 days!!

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This is my Ficus. In a way, it’s shocking that it’s still alive given that it’s been with me through hell and back, and there were definitely times that I neglected it. It is slowly recovering (and it needs a trim!) Pulled it out from it’s normal spot to sweep and thought it was the perfect light to take a picture.


This African Violet is really going to town with the blooms, and my other one (white flowers) should be popping soon! I just love this color.


My little pink baby has started to shoot up, not out as I was expecting…

@TMAC wow that was a ride waiting for that giant flower to appear, I can’t get over the size of the whole thing, glad it smelled nice atleast :blush:

@PlantLady19 congrats on 90 days :tada:


Look at you grow girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Baby steps right?


Finally bloomed all together.

Also…I think something is wrong with me.
Last night I was going about my business, and then suddenly remembered: as I pumped my fist, I said aloud, “Awww FUCK yeah! Tomorrow is watering day!”

I gotta get out more often.


I found an oasis today you would have loved


Oh wow I look amazing!!!


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You’ve come a long way :kissing_heart: in 2 months :upside_down_face:

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Day 1.



Omg what fun! I had a chia pet as a kid, mine was a sheep (I think) and I loved it.

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If you want to encourage bushier growth, you can top off the taller growth. I’m not sure if it can be propagated but the part you cut off could be put in water to see if it grows roots and then planted back in the pot. Not sure about this particular plant, though. Or just let it grow the way it’s growing :green_heart:

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This will be fun. I’m excited to watch the fro grow!

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