People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Had to come here and introduce y’all to Casper the friendly Florida Ghost.


Absolutely amazing!!! :heart_eyes: Thanks for letting us take a peek!

This kiddo got too big for their britches and needed some support. This little trellis looks so cute!

My weird begonia is taking off after I finally left it alone (or just forgot about it for a while!). So much new growth! Top left is an old pic and the other two are today. It was one of those nursery hospital rescues on clearance when I got it, quite the slow grower.


Today’s been all about plants, outdoor and indoor. I repotted some babies, including this pothos. It has been having issues with crinkled new growth and some yellowing leaves and when I took it out of its pot it was soooo overly root bound, poor baby. I like it’s new pot and hopefully it will, too.


Flowers my visiting friend brought on Saturday night.


Downsized this monster beauty. Before and after.

I separated a couple big chunks out and put them up for sale on my FB plant group, already have a buyer for one! I’m giving away the cuttings and have takers for them, too.

I’m happy this mama plant is less choked and more manageable.


I love plants. I have been sober almost 3 years from Heroin and I have definitely found a sense of peace thru gardening and house plants. Last summer me and my father really went all out for the first time and grew tomatoes a bunch of different peppers cucumbers onions pumpkins gourds and some other things. Definitely something I suggest if you have he space for it. I started out not knowing a thing about it but you learn as you keep going.
God bless you guys :pray:t3: :heart::sunglasses:


Gardens are so therapeutic! If you want to share pics of your garden this year, we’ve got a thread for that! I just bought starter plants this weekend for mine and I’m super stoked!

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Congrats on your recovery Austin, super glad you’re here with us. What is your favorite house plant?

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Definitely feel this. I grew tomatoes cucumbers peppers gourds watermelon pumpkins squash and a few other things last year. Definitely very rewarding and a great feeling to watch it all progress :sunglasses::pray:t3:

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Well I have 2 in my apt and I’ll believe they are called pothos or something like that. There long a viney tho and I’ve had them sense I moved in a couple months ago and they definitely have gotten longer!


Yes pothos are great plants Rosa and I are big fans!


Very pretty…I seem to kill all my hanging ones. :pleading_face:

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I did some moving around/ repotting. My monkey face monstera had been hanging as they can trail but she REALLY wanted to climb. I moved my little spider duo into her spot and then built a trellis for the monstera and repotted the trailing jade. “Who” by the way I am in love with. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


They all look great! I love your trailing jade, too :heart_eyes:

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Some of my beautiful plant babies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh! I don’t think I introduced you all to my new little lettuce… I mean birds nest fern. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Sunday night is bath night…… for my air plants.


My black elephant ear


Here we go again.

Thought it only happened once per season. Just a reminder that there’s always more to learn after years in the hobby.