People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

I thought of you when I bought her… will she flower???

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Not sure. I think they all flower but I’ve never had luck getting them to. My Mami’s beefsteak begonia flowers regularly but she’s got that nice hot Kentucky sunshine and humidity.

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Went to a new plant shop yesterday and got this fun lil thing - euphorbia obesa. Not a cactus, but is a succulent. Euphorbia in general are largely from Africa, this one from South Africa. Right now it’s about the diameter of a US quarter, very small. It will grow (over years and years and years) to eventually be the size of a baseball.
It’ll also fit right in with my other plants - although it doesn’t have spines, it still wants to hurt me: they can secrete a silky latex material that is a strong irritant to skin and eyes.

I also popped into my usual place, my favorite one in town, since I haven’t been in months. Found yet another domino cactus, this one with FOUR flowers brewing. I had no choice in the matter.

I had also been worried about my plant fam, as the whole back row on the main balcony wasn’t getting sun at all due to the angle of the sun this time of year and the overhang of the balcony above. So I got some sunshade netting for my other balcony, put it up, and moved several out there where they will at least get 5-6hrs of sun late in the day. Still insufficient, but better than nothing, and some of these are favorites that I don’t want etoliating.
It was also great putting that netting up like I have it on the main balcony, it’s made this other balcony so much more enjoyable to sit out on. It’s cooler, the sun is less murder-y, and I get a bit of privacy.

Lastly, non-succulent realm - I went scorched earth on my hypoestes. When I was in the hospital, it went half dead since it requires frequent watering - even moreso here in the desert where the air is so dry. It grew back super leggy, rather than the usual compact, dense bushel. So I trimmed them as close as I could to the soil while keeping the low young buds intact. Let’s see how she does.


Hahaha :laughing:.

She will come back amazing I am sure.


New babies! A Chinese evergreen, variegated peperomia Obtusifolia (mini rubber plant) and a massive heartleaf philodendron!


Oooh beauties!!!


First chile pepper of the season






New nursery today, holy moly.

And what I came away with.
Queen Victoria agave. I love the hexagonal pot I found, too.



The fern and the two plants framing the window began in my house two years ago when I decided to try growing again. They thrived so much that I brought them outside and they are massive now :heart:


2 new indoor floor plants I found for 14.99 each! And bonus, drove by vodka store (without stopping) to get them.


You Win!!! :muscle:


My foxtail fern looking very healthy in the evening light.


Just a quick shout out to my staghorn fern and all her quirkiness.

She has grown a beautiful new basal frond!!!

These cool ferns grow on the sides of trees in nature and the fronds act as a shield growing around the root base to keep moisture in.



I had to re-home my 20+ year old Pothos yesterday due to kitty digging and chewing. One of these was given to me by my friend in 2000 when I moved back to our hometown. Yesterday I got to give it back to her so she could keep it until the kitties get older. They needed recognition somewhere and this seemed a good tribute spot. They were melting in the 90 degree heat outside. Here’s to good friends, good plants and good sober days.


I :green_heart: propagating!


New leaf alert! This “branch” has grown so long, I’m not sure what to do with it. Any recommendations? I thought about attaching it to a moss pole…

And my kitchen scindapsus struggled for a long time but it’s really looking happy now.


A few months ago I brought home two leaves for my granddaughter in law. Two leaves! She loves succulents. I had no idea what it was. Now she has three pots full of these. I found out one name is Mother of Thousands and boy is it :joy: