People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Rearranging plants to bring some inside for the winter. I found this little rolling stand for this begonia, so cute.


1 yr difference for my Dyckia


Quite the transformation!

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I am excited to see what happens! I wish I had space for the big beauties. :heart_eyes:

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I dont have space… hahaha

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My tiny Walmart rescue Venus flytrap. So interesting. I’m definitely getting another one from a better source too


You should see my tiny house…more plants than free wall space


My greenhouse :seedling:


Heaven!!! All looks so healthy!!

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My tomatoes are long gone l, well, I turned them into passata and is inn the freezer! But the chillies are still growing even up here in the cold Northumberland :scream::seedling::grin:

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It’s transplanting time! My house is so dry in the winter due to the forced air heat and using humidifiers doesn’t make much of a dent at all. I’m switching some plants from terracotta pots to these plastic “self-watering” pots - there is a cotton cord loop through the bottom of the pot that touches water in the reservoir tray to keep the soil moist. Hopefully that helps through this winter. I’m not super happy about switching to plastic but I think overall it will help. And the pots are cute at least.


Today’s transplant efforts.

I ended up splitting my Triostar Stromanthe. It’s neat to see how the roots grow in all these plants!


Hey Stella, have you seen the Sydney Plant guy on Insta/YouTube? His monsteras and the way he trains them is just :ok_hand:


Oh my monstera is hooped hahaha, but I am hoping that I can train her once she is propograte. Thanks for the vid i will give him a watch. :heart:

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So when y’all say “train the plant” what does that mean? Like make the leaves go a certain way? (That’s my guess)

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Yeah see how mine is going out? It should go up…but its fucked so I am going to butcher it… carefully once the new roots grow.


I put my tradescantia “wandering dudette” outside for the summer and she grew a crazy amount. Well, bringing her inside was traumatic. I broke off most of her trailing limbs. :sweat: stuck some in water and threw away a bunch. Here’s hoping for a happy plant this winter!

I did treat the soil with a systemic granule for any bugs in the soil a week before bringing her inside, sprayed her down really thoroughly with water, plus a couple applications of neem oil. There were spider webs all through her leaves so I’m hoping the spiders did a good job too.


The third head on my pachypodium is sprouting leaves for the first time.


Unexpected awesome Walmart find this morning.

Rarely go to WalMart, but had to for a non-plant endeavor. Decided to look in the garden center for kicks.
Found this melocactus azureus. Not “rare” by any stretch, but don’t see them around a ton. I have one already but I love the blue coloring too much.


Your plant collection will be the deciding factor on buying a house at this rate!