People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

No doubt about it. Already in talks with the owner of the shop I work at to use one of our custom greenhouse vendors for my future yard.


Holy moly that’s exciting!!!

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Yesterday I took a self care day and finally gave all my plants much deserved and needed fresh earth and most of them new pots. Big changes and fresh air in this house for all living things.
50 plants I counted. And I now have a few more too because some pupped. :slight_smile: here are some impressions, only from my wee living room.
They have all been very happy today, not a single droopy leave in the house! :herb::seedling::boar::purple_heart:


We went to the botanical garden yesterday


Why have you been hiding…


The 2nd to last photo are pachypodiums like the one I have, those ones are beastly!


I remembered!! It was cool to see one. I totally tested how sharp the pokes are…. They hurt lol

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I decided not to butcher her, so operation “monstera horizontal” to “monstera vertical” is under way. Ty Alycia for the tip, I made a moss pole and i think that the juicy roots that grew during the air layering will take well. Now I just need to be patient while she settles in her new direction. I had to prop the moss pole with some support because she is so heavy… hopefully that wont be needed forever.

I dug the moss pole deeper and took out the supports. I also wound some of the base roots intot the pole wires at the bottom hopefully that works to anchoring the pole a bit. Seems sturdier now…

@RosaCanDo we legitimately can not use our dining table until she is trained vertically. I had to put a chair in storage and push the table to the side.


Ahhh yess! Looks awesome. I’ve just given two of mine moss poles and awaiting to see how they go. I’ve also given my dragon tail a pole and started training it, and it’s doing great as well. Also helps I’ve moved it to a much sunnier location since we’ve moved house. I’ve got so much new growth :face_holding_back_tears:


I’m gearing up to make a couple moss poles when I get home! Glad you went for it. Sorry about your lack of table lol!!!

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I was sad when my orchid died but happy it lasted so long despite my lack of green thumb :laughing:
I almost tossed it but opted to keep it. Glad I did, as it looks like it might bloom again! I see little buds


Some specimens I saw today and an awesome bowl I got for $5 because of a superficial crack. Hand-made stuff like this is often quite a bit more money. No plans on what to plant in it yet.
The ones with the flowers are ariocarpus, and ones those size/age would go for $1k+


Yay!! This gives me hope for mine!

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We visited this doorway in Edinburgh’s new town on our walk to the botanical gardens today.




Not a great pic but my trad flowered! I was so excited to see this little tiny thing today. Maybe it will flower more.


Oooh so pretty!!! :heart_eyes:

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I had to give my cutting to a friend and it flowered at her house. I didn’t know they did this. It makes me happy to know that my plant is happy, even if it isn’t with me.


I am realizing/remembering that I have two varieties of Tradescantia in this pot, and that’s why there are only flowers on one area. The greener colored one isn’t flowering! I had forgotten because the leaves were all closed up tight when it was outside and since bringing it in they’re opening up, showing the colors on top. More tiny flowers today!