People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Rosa I’m in Iowa too but I live in Des Moines. It must be “All Trads in Iowa should flower” week. :woman_shrugging:t2::wink:

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It seems like such a random time to be doing so, doesn’t it?! For some reason I thought you were in AZ. Hello fellow Iowan! I spent a few childhood years in Cedar Falls, my dad taught at UNI, and it felt like a full circle thing to end up back in this state.

I was born and raised in a suburb here, moved away to drink my way around my 20s and came back. It’s a nice part of the country.


Not just in Iowa! I’m in Madrid, Spain, and this is my tradescantia cutting which I picked up off the pavement some weeks ago (I hope the photo works). That in the middle is where it’s blooming every couple of days. They don’t last long, do they?

And this has to be the most resilient plant ever. It was in bad shape when I found it, and it’s only been sitting in water since, yet look at it go! It has a million roots by now too. I really need to get it potted up.

I love plants, and I love everybody’s pictures and comments in this topic. I hope to contribute some nice things too!


Aweeeee… a new baby!!



It’s Halloween. October 31.
And my plants are going wild. This past weekend was supposed to be the last watering 'til spring (for most).

Growing in the desert is nuts, man.

I also recently started fertilizing for the first time ever (I was always au naturale) and watering with distilled water instead of tap water.
Not sure how much that’s influenced this.

Euphorbia ammak growing again after stopping for over a month.
Red line shows new growth this yr.

Astrophtum ornatum had 1 flower last week and 2 more coming in now. It happens in threes. This is the 6th time this year.

Pacypodium lameri (small one) making new leaves…and big one going ham

Echinocactus Texensis new spines

Agave pups doing well

And finally - been waiting on this for like 2 weeks now. Usually they open here and there but it looks like these may be simultaneous. This species doesn’t occur naturally, it was created, so I’m guessing the flowers will be gorgeous due to the selective breeding involved.
The countdown is on!


Ah! I love a TMAC plant flowering moment! The suspense…


Doesn’t she know it’s November?


This is going to grow into a brother tree.

Not budging

Really proud of these ones.

Something is going on with these. Either preparing to flower, or kick the bucket. I don’t know which and the suspense is thrilling :sweat_smile:

La Gordita really had some great growth this year.
I surrounded her with rocks to protect her modesty.

Finally - a sparrow got stuck behind my screen and pooped on my myriostigma.


Bittersweet story today. I had this lovely plant for maybe a year and a half or so and it did really well for so long, grew tremendously, but then it stalled in growth for a year. It started to drop leaves, have new growth spots but still they would drop or shrivel up. I tried repotting and changing the soil to no avail. I finally decided it needed a new home. Our local Facebook plant lovers group does buys and trades and I have given plants away through this group several times. So I posted it and got an interested party within the hour. “D” picked up his new plant and then sent me a pic a few hours later of it repotted and in its new home. I just love when people do that! I told him I was so happy he gave this baby a new home.



Have done a bit of rearranging and I’m simply loving my sanctuary. You might call it a living room, but it’s a thriving room!


View from the other end. So much space for more plants!!!


Your thriving room is so damn cozy!!

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Yay! It’s blooming again


Venus Fly Trap

(In the shop, not mine - not my thing but they are cool)







I love this corner of my main room. This pink syngonium has been super happy after I repotted it. And that heart leaf philodendron is gorgeous.


This beautiful iris is blooming right now in our garden. :purple_heart: