People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

My Tía gave me a cutting of her polka dot begonia (Begonia Maculata) while I was visiting my family and it was on my wish list! So excited.


Euphorbia obesa with intact and ruptured seed pods.

A lot of people go through a lot of effort and planning to harvest the seeds. Pods burst randomly and only contain a handful of very small seeds.
I’m just letting them fall into the pot, see what happens :upside_down_face:

The green is new growth originating from the seams.


Lots of new growth for my indoor friends.
The alocasia gets so wonky when producing new leaves, and she’s got 4 brewing right now including the very obvious one. Damn she is lovely and she’ll look so full with 4 more leaves. Then it’ll be time to trim off the two remaining original leaves, which don’t look as good as the leaves I’ve grown :face_with_hand_over_mouth: and have some damage from repot stress.

The joya cutting that @RosaCanDo sent me is absolutely CRANKING.

Nov 2022, when I first got it.

Today, 5 mos later!

This one is FINALLY doing something. It did zippo for the first 2 months, even though I could feel it had taken root. Thought it was a dud cutting, but now we have liftoff. Seems to just be a veeeeery slow grower.


I treated myself to these two as I have some hanging baskets that were gifted to me needing occupants.


Love those flowers popping out during wintertime :slightly_smiling_face::blush::star_struck:


Is that a honeysuckle or a mandevilla? Or ? Love the red!


What plant is that purple one? and does it need a lot of sunlight?
Amazing color!

The one in the pot is a ‘‘Schlumbergera’’ I think in english also called a Christmas Cactus.
And the one growing from above is a Aeschynanthus also called a ‘‘lipstick plant’’ that one gives flowers every season :blush:


I’m seeing it called Velvet plant and Purple Passion plant but I can’t remember how it was described in the shop. Gynura aurantiaca anyway. It’ll be going in a north facing window which the woman in the shop thought would be ideal. It apparently gets these wee orange flowers that turn into dandelion clock seed heads if you treat it right!


Thanks I found it on google. The more sunlight it gets the more purple it gets.
That’s gone be a problem in my apartment with no direct sunlight :disappointed:


My little purple is starting to open.

The Shakey tree that I divided experienced a little bit of shock but after a few days they perked back up. This is the smallest one.


First of the current batch of leaves growing vs the last batch to come in. The size difference!!!

It will get dark like the others, just bright green 'cause it’s new.


They look fantastic!! I have 3 old ones blooming now…

This one is really good looking this year…

This is one of my favorites, love the colors, it is really shining this season…


New leaves are such a gift! Showing us that our efforts are worthwhile.


I knooow. My husband comments on the plants like “What’s wrong with this one? It hasn’t bloomed in ages” or “That one’s looking rough”, and I’ll be like “No, they’re doing great! Just look at those leaves!”

Leaves are it, baby… Leaves are it! :smile:


I love the colors. I like how the older ones even look old kind of like antique flowers. I use to think orchids were stupid until I was gifted one. Now I’m hooked.

They are so beautiful that they kind of make my other plants look like ugly ducklings. HaHa


Orchids are so pretty. My MIL had some gorgeous ones. I am doing my best to keep ours alive in the dry winters.


Ok people…i was just gifted my first orchid (mini) i appreciate any tips and tricks from the masters here! Let to my devices it’ll last a week!


So I’m no master at it. I am surprised mine haven’t died. I was told that they like to breathe so I repotted them in bags. They dry out easier and sometimes I forget to water but they seem to be doing fine. I also got a little spray bottle of orchid food. Good luck

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I am also no expert, but I do know they’re particular about the pot and potting medium they’re in. You can find orchid potting material most places, it’s pieces of bark and other chunky material. Something like this type of pot works well because the roots stay aerated and they do NOT like their roots to stay saturated.

Then I set the plastic pot in a prettier ceramic pot with enough air around it. Depending on the humidity of your home and climate your watering will change. It’s super dry here in winter so I soak the pot in a tub of water briefly once a week or so checking to make sure it isn’t wet first (you can see if there is condensation inside the clear plastic pots), but I’ve also heard of setting three ice cubes on top of the potting material and letting them dissolve once a week. You’ll have to figure out what works for you. Read up online, have fun, and enjoy those beautiful blooms while they last! Mine lasted a while, fell off in early winter and I trimmed the stems down and am hoping for a good outcome. I did have one glorious big leaf grow though! I wish you the best!