People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)


What’s the plant at the very top?

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It’s a dragon scale alocasia. The leaves feel like plastic.


Very aptly named, it’s stunning. I don’t have a green thumb but I’m creep around here and try my luck soon

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Go for it! It’s all learning. Killing stuff is part of that :sweat_smile:

If you have a local independent plant shop, staff are usually super helpful and knowledgable.


Thanks for the tip, I’m always looking at my friends with the beautiful thriving plants and wanting them so bad. Might as well try something new


Updating as this reply was meant for @Cjp :slightly_smiling_face:

Your mini orchid doesn’t want to get very wet AND it wants to be in a humid environment…like a shower. They love showers! Or next to a humidifier (as opposed to next to a heat source). They would love a daily misting while blooming. Don’t bother watering your blooming mini, just mist the roots and a light mist on the blooms. Check to be sure there is no water accumulating in the bottom of your pot. If so, dump it out and mist less. Don’t feed orchids when blooming…do feed when dormant (read more on this for expert advice). :roll_eyes:

Orchids bloom once per year, for a few months (if one is lucky). I have only been able to get one mini (out of many) to rebloom for me over the years. :woman_shrugging:

If looking to buy a new orchid, look for one with just a few blooms open and many many unopen flowers. The more blooms blooming, the further along it is in its cycle.



Oooh this is great advice! Thank you :blush:


I love orchids, I picked up my 1st 2 last week on sale! I’m also new to them, I have the moth orchids, the one for beginners. I noticed a bud opening on the darker one today.


Beautiful orchids!!!

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New leaves everywhere! So much growth happening. Here are a few:

This pretty “snake” plant has been hiding out on a top shelf so I brought it down to water and was happy to see progress.

Pink syngonium is popping!

And this philodendron Brasil.

It’s been quite a boom this winter and looks to be continuing into Springtime! Time to fertilize!


Hoodia Gordonii

Native to Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Angola.
This is a succulent, but not a cactus. It’ll continue to cluster and eventually reach a height of 2-3 feet.
I didn’t realize when I bought it, but this plant is myophilic - meaning they attract flies as their pollinators. It does this by producing large, saucer-shaped flowers that smell like rotting flesh. Nice. My first myophilic plant.

They were also critically endangered at one point, as they were the subject of a fad diet. The plant is an intense appetite supressant.
From what I was told by friend, this is because it introduces significant toxin levels to the liver…yeah not the best way to diet. Not sure if it’s true or not but it seems its potential uses are still being looked at.

Southern part of the African continent really has the gnarliest plants on earth.


When you get your house you’d better consider placing it further from your house but not next to neighbors :rofl:

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Apparently it can stink up a whole greenhouse. I’m ready.

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I spy with my little eye…some new growth on my pilea!!! I didn’t expect this growth around the base! Yay!


When the first bud started forming back in…early Feb? I predicted a March 28 bloom date. These only bloom for one night, at night. Pollinated by bats.
It’s gonna be down to the wire. The “asparagus” - that’s what I call the stalk - is starting to form, and once it does, things move really fast. The bud stage is 90% of it.

I’m thinking it’ll probably a few days after the 28th, but we’ll see. Also interested to see if the other 2 buds make it to flowering. Putting out one is an intense process for the plant. Last year only one made it and the other buds died. However, I wasn’t using fertilizer last year. Last year she went saggy when flowering due to the energy requirements. You can see this year, she’s still grand and plump. So maybe we’ll get a few this time.


This should probably be in a gardening topic but it’s more active here. The first seedling planted on the new moon, and that I intend to plant out in a large planter on the roof.


My baby shakey tree has a new leaf.


No pics, and maybe not quite the intention of the thread, but the past few days I have been pulling up Himalayan Balsam seedlings from the stream at the edge of my property. There are thousands! I am just doing a bit at a time, trying to get as many as i can before they flower and seed. No way I will get them all but I figure doing something is better than doing nothing.


Been sitting like this for over a week :sleeping:

So help me god, if these die without blooming I’m gonna throw a fit