People Places and Things (the hard truth)

I don’t speak to my family anymore because they are part of the people places and things I use to get high or drunk around. I am 440 days substance free and I am now in this place of mind where I’m constantly questioning every other day my family true intentions when I was just a kid growing up. And it hurts because I truly feel like they failed me… they keep telling me to come around but don’t ask my “why I don’t come around” so frustrating… #lifeinrecovery


Congrats on your 440 days Andrew and welcome to this great community.
Through Al-Anon I am learning how addiction is a family disease. A disease of relationships.
And it does hurt. It’s very painful.
There’s also ACOA


Welcome and well done on 440 days that’s amazing, I’m sorry to hear about your family but I’m sure they did not do anything maliciously but more likely they were also suffering​:pray::pray: